Research Projects of Iwasaki Laboratory

Enjoy YouTube video: Research/Development Activities- Mechatronic Products and Core Motion Control Techniques

[Core Techniques for Motion Control]

High Performance Positioning Methodologies in Mechatronic Products

  1. Positioning methodology based on robust control in machine tools drive
  2. Optimal command shaping in machine tools drive
  3. Positioning methodology based on robust 2DOF control in machine tools drive
  4. Fast and Precise positioning for table drive systems in machine tools
  5. Fast and Precise positioning in mechatronic systems
  6. Control methodology for 3-dimensional earthquake simulator
Precise Modeling Techniques in Mechatronic Systems
  1. Precise system modeling in frequency domain
  2. Nonlinear components (friction, hysteresis, stiffness) modeling in micro and macro scales
Applications of Soft Computing/Robust Control Techniques to Mechatronics
  1. Autotuning of servo controller using GA in machine tools drive
  2. Adaptive compensation for nonlinear friction of table drive systems in machine tools
  3. Compensation for nonlinear friction using disturbance observer in machine tools drive
  4. Vibration suppression control methodologies in various mechatronic systems
  5. Suppression of machine stand vibration in machine tools drive
  6. Evolutionary design of 2DOF compensator in mechatronic systems using GA

[Research Projects under Collaboration with Industries]

High-Performance Positioning Methodologies for Information Technologies and Precision Machines
Galvano laser scanners, etc.
(Machine tool/Manufacturing machine companies)

High-Performance Motion Control Methodologies for Table Drive Systems
Electronic parts manufacturing and assembly machines, LCD fabrication machines, Earthquake simulators
(Machine tool/Manufacturing machine companies, etc.)

Control Technologies for Nonlinear Components, Computational Intelligence Applications
Harmonic Drive Gearings, Industrial Robots, Pneumatics and Hydraulic Machines
(Gearing companies, Industrial robot companies, etc.)

[Examples of experimental facilities in laboratory]

Thermostatic Chamber (ca. 20m2) in laboratory
Temp.: 20-30 ±1 ℃, Hum.: 40-70 ±5 %, Cleanliness: class 10,000
Equipments: Harmonic Actuators, Table drive systems, etc.

Industrial Robots (6-axis actual products and prototype) in laboratory
Collaboration with industrial robot companies as well as education programs in undergraduate course

Table drive systems (left: ball screw drive, right: linear motor drive)
Considertaion of rolling friction at ball screw and/or linear guide