Publications and Awards

Sorry but the following may include insignificant characters to list publication materials in Japanese.

Books, Transactions/Journals, International Conference Proceedings, Important Domestic Conference Proceedings
Invited Keynote Speeches, Awards, Financial Grants

Keynote speech at China Control Conference 2023, Tianjin, China


  1. Makoto Iwasaki, Morgan Kiani, Lucia Lo Bello, and Marek Jasinski
    ``The Energy, Information, Robotics, and Industrial Revolution'', [Students and Young Professionals News]
    IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol.15, No.4, pp.87--90, 2021
    ISSN: 1932-4529
    DOI: 10.1109/MIE.2021.3117046
  2. ``Mechatronics and Robotics -New Trends and Challenges''
    Chapter 2, ``Advanced Actuators for Mechatronics'', CRC Press, November 05, 2020
    ISBN: 9780367366582
  3. 岩崎誠,山元純文,沖津良史
    2018年度(第38回)「波動歯車装置を内在する位置決め機構に対する高速高精度制御系設計の研究と製品開発」,精密工学会誌,Vol.85, No.2, pp.128--132, 2019/02/05
    ISSN: 0912-0289
    DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.85.128
  4. 岩崎誠,山元純文,沖津良史
    「波動歯車装置を内在する位置決め機構に対する高速高精度制御系設計の研究と製品開発」にまつわる話,精密工学会誌,Vol.85, No.2, pp.141--142, 2019/02/05
    DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.85.141
  5. 岩崎(分担執筆)
    2.7「負荷軸フィードバック制御による高速・高精度位置決め」, pp.39--42, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1426号, 2018年5月30日
    ISSN: 0919-9195
  6. 岩崎(分担執筆)「高機能化のためのモーションコントロールの最新技術」
    2.2「波動歯車装置を内在する位置決め機構のフルクローズド制御」, pp.9--12, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1421号, 2018年5月
    ISSN: 0919-9195
  7. 岩崎(監修)「速習Maple」
    コロナ社 2016年11月2日
  8. Gest Editorial: ``Modeling, Analysis, and Advanced Control in Motion Control Systems - Part I''
    Shihua Li, Lennart Harnefors, and Makoto Iwasaki
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.63, No.9, pp.5709--5711, September 2016
    ISSN: 0278-0046, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2016.2589220
  9. 岩崎(分担執筆)「新産業基盤技術としてのモーションコントロール」
    2.2「波動歯車装置を内在する位置決め機構のモデル化と制御」, pp.10--14, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1352号, 2015年11月
    ISSN: 0919-9195
  10. 岩崎(分担執筆)「ナノスケールサーボのための革新的な制御技術」
    4.1「円条件に基づくプラント変動に対するロバストFB補償器設計」, pp.67--72, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1347号, 2015年7月
    ISSN: 0919-9195
  11. 岩崎(分担執筆)「制御の事典」
    7章メカトロニクス制御技術−7.5ガルバノスキャナ,朝倉書店 2015年7月
    ISBN: 978-4-254-23141-0
  12. 技術開発レポート「共振周波数変動と制御入力振幅の制約を考慮した適応型有限ステップ整定フィードフォワード補償」
  13. Gest Editorial: ``Introduction to the Special Section on New Emerging Technologies in Motion Control Systems -Part II''
    T. Tsuji, A. Sabanovic, K. Ohishi, and M. Iwasaki
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.61, No.7, pp.3607--3609, July 2014
    ISSN: 0278-0046, DOI:10.1109/TIE.2013.2293698
  14. Gest Editorial: ``Introduction to the Special Section on New Emerging Technologies in Motion Control Systems -Part I''
    T. Tsuji, A. Sabanovic, K. Ohishi, and M. Iwasaki
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.61, No.2, pp.982--984, February 2014
    ISSN: 0278-0046, DOI:10.1109/TIE.2013.2273857
  15. 特集に寄せて(巻頭言)「小型・高速・高効率への果てしなき挑戦」
    富士電機技報, Vol.86, No.4, 2013(2013年12月)
    ISSN: 2187-1817
  16. 岩崎(分担執筆)「電気学会125年史」
    3章-1, 電気学会, 2013年10月
  17. 岩崎(分担執筆)「電気工学ハンドブック(第7版)」
    42編モーションコントロール,4章モーションコントロールの応用と実機,4.1産業用サーボシステム, オーム社, 2013年9月
    ISBN: 978-4-274-21382-3
  18. ``Advances in High-Performance Motion Control of Mechatronic Systems''
    Chapter 3, ``Transient Control Using Initial Value Compensation'', CRC Press, June 2013
    ISBN: 978-1-4665-5570-9
  19. Editorial ``Special Issue - Selected papers from AMC2012 Conference''
    Automatika Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Vol.54, No.1, pp.5-8, March 2013
  20. 岩崎(編集・分担執筆)「ナノスケールサーボのための制御応用技術」
    3.3「転がり摩擦モデルに基づく位置決め整定時の遅い応答の要因考察とモード切り換え摩擦補償」, pp.36--41, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1275号, 2013年2月
  21. 岩崎(分担執筆)「ナノスケールサーボのための制御技術の共通基盤」
    6「ナノスケールサーボと大学での産学連携研究」, pp.73--77, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1221号, 2011
  22. Guest Editorial ``Special Section on Advances in Motion Control --Part II''
    R. Oboe, S. Bogosyan, M. Iwasaki, and T. Murakami
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No.10, pp.3787--3789, October 2009
  23. Guest Editorial ``Special Section on Advances in Motion Control --Part I''
    R. Oboe, S. Bogosyan, M. Iwasaki, and T. Murakami
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No.5, pp.1335--1337, May 2009
  24. 岩崎(分担執筆)「ナノスケールサーボのための新しい制御技術」
    5.1「転がり摩擦特性を考慮した高速・高精度位置決め制御」, pp.68--71, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1137号, 2008
  25. 岩崎(分担執筆)「環境適応型モーションコントロールの最新技術」
    2.1「位置決め制御系に対する非線形摩擦補償」, pp.5--10, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1128号, 2008
  26. 岩崎(分担執筆)「環境適応型モーションコントロールの最新技術」
    2.2「パラメータ変動に対する位置決め精度劣化のリアルタイム補償」, pp.11--14, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1128号, 2008
  27. 岩崎(編集・分担執筆)「実用化を目指したモーションコントロールの最新技術」
    6.5「高速・高精度位置決め制御のための実用化技術」, pp.76--87, 電気学会技術報告書, 第1056号, 2006
  28. 岩崎(分担執筆)「モータ技術用語辞典」
    日刊工業新聞社, 2002
  29. 岩崎(分担執筆)「モータ技術実用ハンドブック」
    アドバンスト編, 2.6 「摩擦を含む系の制御」, pp.589-599, 日刊工業新聞社, 2001


  1. Shihua Li, Jun Yang, Makoto Iwasaki, and Wen-Hua Chen
    ``Hierarchical Disturbance/Uncertainty Estimation and Attenuation for Integrated Modelling and Motion Control: Overview and Perspectives''
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.xx, No.x, pp.xxxx-xxxx, xxx xx, 202x
    2025.01.07 (early access)
    ISSN: 1083-4435
    Online ISSN: 1941-014X
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3515084
  2. Manli Zhang, Chengda Lu, Shengnan Tian, Yibing Wang, Min Wu, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Disturbance Suppression for Fuzzy Repetitive-Control Systems Using an Enhanced Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Method''
    IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.xx, No.xx,, xxxx xx, 202x
    2024.11.27 (early access)
    ISSN: 1063-6706
    Online ISSN: 1941-0034
    DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2024.3507009
  3. Hantao Wang, Jinhua She, He Wang, Seiichi Kawata, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Disturbance Rejection and Performance Improvement for Control Systems Using a Finite-Time Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach''
    (to be published)
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.xx, No.x, pp.xxxx--xxxx, xxxxx xx, 202x
    2024.10.29 (early access)
    ISSN: 0278-0046
    Online ISSN: 1557-9948
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2024.3472309
  4. Baofang Wang, Mingjie Cai, Makoto Iwasaki, and Jinpeng Yu
    ``A Novel Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy for Multimotor Servo System Based on its Redundant Mechanical Structure''
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.xx, No.x, pp.xxxx-xxxx, xxx xx, 202x
    (to be published)
    2024.06.26 (early access)
    ISSN: 1083-4435
    Online ISSN: 1941-014X
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3412031
  5. Manli Zhang, Chengda Lu, Shengnan Tian, Yibing Wang, Min Wu, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improved Disturbance Rejection in Repetitive-Control Systems: Phase-Compensated Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, No.10, pp.12942--12951, October 05, 2024
    2024.02.02 (early access)
    ISSN: 0278-0046
    Online ISSN: 1557-9948
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2024.3355510
  6. Manli Zhang, Chengda Lu, Shengnan Tian, Yibing Wang, Min Wu, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Independent Design and Optimization of Control-Learning Performance for a Nonlinear Repetitive-Control System''
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.29, No.2, pp.1409-1419, April 05, 2024
    2023.08.11 (early access)
    ISSN: 1083-4435
    Online ISSN: 1941-014X
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2023.3300698
  7. Chaojie Zhu, Jicheng Chen, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hui Zhang
    ``Event-Triggered Deep Learning Control of Quadrotors for Trajectory Tracking''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.71, No.3, pp.2726--2736, March 05, 2024
    2023.04.17 (early access)
    ISSN: 0278-0046, Online ISSN: 1557-9948
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3266560
  8. Yongkang Zhang, Lei Wang, Hui Zhang, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Optimal Intelligent Chassis Layout Design Framework Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Robust Finite-frequency H∞ Control''
    IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol.72, No.10, pp.12814--12829, October 05, 2023
    2023.05.15 (early access)
    ISSN: 0018-9545, Online ISSN: 1939-9359
    DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3275959
  9. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Empirical Transfer Function Estimation with Differential Filtering and Its Application to Fine Positioning Control of Galvano Scanner''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.70, No.10, pp.10466--10475, October 05, 2023
    2022.11.02 (early access)
    ISSN: 0278-0046, Online ISSN: 1557-9948
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2022.3217616
  10. Ze Yan, Xuzhi Lai, Qingxin Meng, Min Wu, Jinhua She, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling, analysis, and adaptive neural modified-backstepping control of an uncertain horizontal pendubot with double flexible joints''
    Control Engineering Practice, Vol.139, 12 pages, Oct 01, 2023
    2023.08.09 (early access)
    ISSN: 0967-0661
    Online ISSN: 1873-6939
    DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2023.105647
  11. Kikuko Miyata, Susumu Hara, Kenji Hayashi, Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, and Masatsugu Otsuki
    ``Vision-Based Target Tracking Controller Design for Asteroid Flyby Problem''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.12, No.5, pp.914--923, Sept 01, 2023
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.22005866
  12. Yujian Zhou, Jinhua She, Feng Wang, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Disturbance Rejection for Stewart Platform Based on Integration of Equivalent-Input-Disturbance and Sliding-Mode Control Methods''
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.28, No.4, pp.2364-2374, August 05, 2023
    2023.02.06 (early access)
    ISSN: 1083-4435, Online ISSN: 1941-014X
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2023.3237135
  13. Tomoya Homan, Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Iterative learning control-based ripple compensation in web handling systems''
    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.17, No.4, 11 pages, Aug 01, 2023
    ISSN: 1881-3054
    Online ISSN: 1881-3054
    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2023jamdsm0046
  14. Baofang Wang, Makoto Iwasaki, and Jinpeng Yu
    ``Finite-Time Command-Filtered Backstepping Control for Dual-Motor Servo Systems With LuGre Friction''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, Vol.19, No.5, pp.6376--6386, May 05, 2023
    2022.06.13 (early access)
    ONLINE ISSN: 1941-0050, ISSN: 1551-3203
    DOI: 10.1109/TII.2022.3182341
  15. Tran Vu Trung and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Fast and Precise Positioning with Coupling Torque Compensation for a Flexible Lightweight Two-Link Manipulator with Elastic Joints''
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.28, No.2, pp.1025-1036, April 05, 2023
    2022.10.25 (early access)
    ISSN: 1083-4435, Online ISSN: 1941-014X
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2022.3213538
  16. Tong Yang, Xinlin Zhang, Yongchun Fang, Ning Sun, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Event-Triggered Control for Mechatronic Systems With Inaccurate Signal Transmission and Motion Constraints''
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.27, No.6, pp.5208-5221, December 06, 2022
    2022.06.03 (early access)
    ISSN: 1083-4435
    Online ISSN: 1941-014X
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2022.3175969
  17. Bingqing Zhao, Huimin Ouyang, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Motion Trajectory Tracking and Sway Reduction for Double-pendulum Overhead Cranes Using Improved Adaptive Control without Velocity Feedback''
    IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.27, No.5, pp.3648-3659, October 05, 2022
    2021.12.16 (early access)
    ISSN: 1083-4435
    Online ISSN: 1941-014X
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2021.3126665
  18. Yuya Sakuragi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Contact Force Estimation and Sensorless Force Control in Piezoelectric Bending Actuators ''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.11, No.4, pp.555--561, 2022-7
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.21006154
  19. 黒田英太郎,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.142-D, No.4, pp.290--298, 2022
    ISSN: 0913-6339
    Online ISSN: 1348-8163
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.142.290
  20. Baofang Wang, Makoto Iwasaki, and Jinpeng Yu
    ``Command filtered adaptive backstepping control for dual- motor servo systems with torque disturbance and uncertainties''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.69, No.2, pp.1773--1781, February 05, 2022
    ISSN: 0278-0046
    Online ISSN: 1557-9948
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3059540
  21. Eitaro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Autonomous Parameter Design for Cascade-Structure Feedback Controller Based on Cooperative Optimization Method''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.10, No.4, pp.457--468, 2021-7
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.20011750
  22. Shuta Ano, Kenta Seki, Michael Ruderman, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Estimating Sway Angle of Pendulum System Using Hybrid State Observer Incorporating Continuous and Discrete Sensing Signals''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.10, No.1, pp.69--75, 2021-1
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.20004820
  23. Tran Vu Trung and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``High-Performance Positioning using Decoupling Controllers for Flexible Two-Link Robots with Strain Wave Gears''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.9, No.4, pp.408--417, 2020-7
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.9.408
  24. Michael Ruderman, Makoto Iwasaki, and Wen-Hua Chen
    ``Motion-Control Techniques of Today and Tomorrow -A Review and Discussion of the Challenges of Controlled Motion''
    IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol.14, No.1, pp.41--55, 23 March 2020
    DOI: 10.1109/MIE.2019.2956683
    ISSN: 1932-4529
  25. Kenta Seki, Takayuki Kikuchi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Tension Controller Design Considering Periodic Disturbance Suppression in Roll-to-Roll Web Handling Systems''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.9, No.1, pp.36--42, 2020-1
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.9.36
  26. Tran Vu Trung and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Robust 2-DoF Controller Design using H_infty Synthesis for Flexible Robots''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.8, No.4, pp.623--631, 2019-7
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.8.623
  27. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``A Friction Model-Based Frequency Response Analysis for Frictional Servo Systems''
    (SS on Advanced Mechatronics in Research and Industrial Application)
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, Vol.14, No.11, pp.5146--5155, November 2018
    ISSN: 1551-3203
    DOI: 10.1109/TII.2018.2808461
  28. Kenta Seki, Daisuke Noda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Dual-loop Controller Design Considering Robust Vibration Suppression in Piezo-actuated Stage Systems''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.7, No.6, pp.488--494, 2018-11
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.7.488
  29. 野田大輔,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.138-D, No.8, pp.684--691, 2018
    ISSN: 0913-6339
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.138.684
  30. 前田佳弘,郷直樹,岩崎誠
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.138-D, No.5, pp.392--401, 2018
    ISSN: 0913-6339
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.138.392
  31. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Feedforward Friction Compensation Using the Rolling Friction Model for Micrometer-stroke Point-to-point Positioning Motion''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.7, No.2, pp.141--149, 2018-3
    ONIINE ISSN: 2187-1108, ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.7.141
  32. Kenta Seki, Daisuke Noda, and Makoto Iwasaki ``High-precision positioning considering vibration and disturbance suppression in piezo-driven stage systems''
    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings, Vol.11, No.3, 10 pages, 2017-9
    ONLINE ISSN: 1881-3054
    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2017jamdsm0039
  33. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Model-based adaptive feedforward compensation for disturbance caused by overturning moment in 2-dimensional shaking table systems''
    Mechanical Engineering Journal, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings, Vol.4, No.3, 13 pages, 2017-6
    ONLINE ISSN: 2187-9745
    DOI: 10.1299/mej.16-00427
  34. Daisuke Matsuka, Tsubasa Tanaka and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Thermal Demagnetisation Compensation for Fast and Precise Positioning in Galvanometer Scanners''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.63, No.9, pp.5514--5522, September 2016
    ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2016.2561878
  35. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``On damping characteristics of frictional hysteresis in pre-sliding range''
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 727, No,1, 16 pages, June 2016
    ONINE ISSN: 1742-6596
    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/727/1/012014
  36. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Analysis of Linear Feedback Position Control in Presence of Presliding Friction''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.5, No.2, pp.61--68, March 2016
    ONLINE ISSN: 2187-1108
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.5.61
  37. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Sensorless Torsion Control of Elastic Joint Robots with Hysteresis and Friction''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.63, No.3, pp.1889--1899, March 2016
    ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2015.2453415
  38. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling and disturbance compensation aided by multibody dynamics analysis in shaking table systems''
    Mechanical Engineering Journal, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings, Vol.2, No.5, 11 pages, 2015-10
    ONLINE ISSN: 2187-9745
    DOI: 10.1299/mej.15-00274
  39. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Observer of Nonlinear Friction Dynamics for Motion Control''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.62, No.9, pp.5941--5949, September 2015
    ISSN: 2187-1094
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2015.2435002
  40. 篠原悠作,関健太,岩崎誠,珍田寛,高橋昌樹
    日本機械学会論文誌, Vol.81, No.824, 10 pages, 2015-4
    ONLINE ISSN: 2187-9761, DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.14-00351
  41. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Adaptive Property by Adaptive Deadbeat Feedforward Compensation Without Convex Optimization''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.62, No.1, pp.466--474, January 2015
    ISSN: 2187-1094, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2014.2331037
  42. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Circle Condition-Based Feedback Compensation with Frequency Shaping for Improvement of Settling Performance''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.61, No.10, pp.5500--5508, October 2014
    ISSN: 2187-1094, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2297302
  43. 松家大介, 岩崎誠
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.134-D, No.8, pp.776--783, 2014
    ISSN: 0913-6339, DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.134.776
  44. Michael Ruderman, Torsten Bertram, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling, observation, and control of hysteresis torsion in elastic robot joints''
    Mechatronics Journal, Vol.24, No.5, pp.407--415, 2014
    ISSN: 0957-4158, DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2014.02.009
  45. 前橋亘, 伊藤和晃, 松尾康平, 岩崎誠
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.134-D, No.5, pp.535--543, 2014
    ISSN: 0913-6339, DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.134.535
  46. Eui-Jin Kim, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Motion Control of Industrial Robots by Considering Serial Two-Link Robot Arm Model with Joint Nonlinearities''
    KSME Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.28, No.4, pp.1519--1527, April 2014
    ISSN: 1738-494X, DOI: 10.1007/s12206-014-0139-x
  47. Kenta Seki, Yuya Tsuchimoto, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Feedforward Compensation by Specified Step Settling with Frequency Shaping of Position Reference''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.61, No.3, pp.1552--1561, March 2014
    ISSN: 2187-1094, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2259778
  48. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Circle Condition-Based Feedback Controller Design for Fast and Precise Positioning''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.61, No.2, pp.1113--1122, February 2014
    ISSN: 2187-1094, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2242420
  49. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Mode Switching Feedforward Compensation Considering Rolling Friction Characteristics for Fast and Precise Positioning''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.61, No.2, pp.1123--1132, February 2014
    ISSN: 2187-1094, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2242420
  50. 加藤孝宜, 前田佳弘, 岩崎誠, 平井洋武
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.134-D, No.2, pp.220--228, 2014
    ISSN: 0913-6339, DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.134.220
  51. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Bending Vibration Suppression Performance for Galvano Mirror by Self-Sensing Actuation''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.3, No.1, pp.10--17, 2014
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.3.10, ISSN: 2187-1094
  52. 久保田渉, 川福基裕, 岩崎誠, 所裕高
    高速信号処理応用技術学会誌, Vol.16, No.1, pp.48--55, 2013-12
  53. 遠山聡一, 岩崎誠, 平井洋武
    高速信号処理応用技術学会誌, Vol.16, No.1, pp.37--47, 2013-12
  54. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Rolling Friction Model-Based Analyses and Compensation for Slow Settling Response in Precise Positioning''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.60, No.12, pp.5841--5853, December 2013
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2012.2229676, ISSN 0278-0046
  55. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Initial Friction Compensation Using Rheology-Based Rolling Friction Model in Fast and Precise Positioning''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.60, No.9, pp.3865--3876, September 2013
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2012.2205350, ISSN 0278-0046
  56. 遠山聡一, 関健太, 岩崎誠, 平井洋武
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.133-D, No.7, pp.729--737, 2013
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.133.729
  57. 篠原悠作, 関健太, 岩崎誠, 珍田寛, 高橋昌樹
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.79, No.802, pp.1883--1892, 2013-6
  58. Wataru Maebashi, Kazuaki Ito, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Practical Feedback Controller Design for Micro-Displacement Positioning in Table Drive Systems''
    Automatika Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Vol.54, No.1, pp.9-18, March 2013
    DOI: 10.7305/automatika.54-1.310, ISSN: 0005-1144
  59. Yoshihiro Maeda, Masatake Wada, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Improvement of Settling Performance by Mode-Switching Control with Split Initial Value Compensation Based on Input Shaper''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.60, No.3, pp.979--987, March 2013
    DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2012.2188263, ISSN 0278-0046
  60. 加藤孝宜, 前田佳弘, 岩崎誠, 平井洋武
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.133-D, No.3, pp.290--299, 2013
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.133.290
  61. 岩崎 誠, 中村 紘之 「波動歯車の角度伝達誤差に起因する共振振動の可変ノッチフィルタによる制振制御」
    精密工学会論文誌, Vol.78, No.10, pp.887--893, 2012
  62. 岩崎 誠, 飼沼 諒, 山元 純文, 沖津 良史
    精密工学会論文誌, Vol.78, No.7, pp.624--630, 2012
  63. Eui-Jin Kim, Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, and Sang-Hun Lee
    ``GA-Based Practical Auto-Tuning Technique for Industrial Robot Controller with System Identification''
    IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.1, No.1, pp.62--69, 2012
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.1.62
  64. 前橋 亘, 伊藤 和晃, 池田 純, 岩崎 誠
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.132-D, No.7, pp.764--775, 2012
    DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.132.764
  65. M. Iwasaki, K. Seki, and Y. Maeda
    ``High Precision Motion Control Techniques -A Promising Approach to Improving Motion Performance''
    IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol.6, No.1, pp.32--40, March 2012 (invited paper with review)
    DOI: 10.1109/MIE.2012.2182859
  66. 加藤, 前田, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.12, pp.1416--1423, 2011 (in Japanese)
  67. 篠原, 関, 岩崎, 珍田, 高橋
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.77, No.783, pp.195--204, 2011-11 (in Japanese)
  68. 前橋, 伊藤, 岩崎
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.7, pp.932--941, 2011 (in Japanese)
  69. 関, 望月, 岩崎
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.6, pp.829--836, 2011 (in Japanese)
  70. 前田, 和田, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.3, pp.403--411, 2011 (in Japanese)
  71. 関, 松浦, 岩崎, 平井, 遠山
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.3, pp.275--282, 2011 (in Japanese)
  72. 関, 神波, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.3, pp.229--236, 2011 (in Japanese)
  73. 前田, 岩崎
    精密工学会論文誌, Vol.77, No.2, pp.194--201, 2011 (in Japanese)
  74. 関, 酒井, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.1, pp.102--109, 2011 (in Japanese)
  75. 加藤, 前田, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.131-D, No.1, pp.93--101, 2011 (in Japanese)
  76. 前田, 岩崎
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.130-D, No.12, pp.1323--1332, 2010 (in Japanese)
  77. E. H. Abd-Elhameed and M. Iwasaki
    ``Precise Positioning Control Using Auto-Tuned Fuzzy Logic Controller''
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.130-D, No.11, pp.1264--1271, 2010
  78. 山元, 岩崎, 沖津, 佐々木, 矢島
    「波動歯車装置の角度伝達誤差に対するモデル化と補償(第1報) - 非線形要素を考慮した精密モデリング -」
    精密工学会論文誌, Vol.76, No.10, pp.1206--1211, 2010 (in Japanese)
  79. 前田, 岩崎
    精密工学会論文誌, Vol.76, No.7, pp.819--826, 2010 (in Japanese)
  80. 廣瀬, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.130-D, No.6, pp.785--792, 2010 (in Japanese)
  81. 関, 望月, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.130-D, No.4, pp.560--567, 2010 (in Japanese)
  82. 山元, 岩崎, 伊藤, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.130-D, No.3, pp.307--316, 2010 (in Japanese)
  83. 伊藤, 山元, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.129-D, No.3, pp.317--325, 2010 (in Japanese)
  84. 前田, 岩崎
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.130-D, No.2, pp.228--235, 2010 (in Japanese)
  85. E. H. Abd-Elhameed and M. Iwasaki
    ``Nonlinear Friction Time Series Model for High Precision Positioning Control By Using Leaning Technique''
    高速信号処理応用技術学会誌, Vol.12, No.2, pp.26--35, 2009-12
  86. 前田, 岩崎
    高速信号処理応用技術学会誌, Vol.12, No.2, pp.37--44, 2009-12 (in Japanese)
  87. 前田, 岩崎
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.129-D, No.12, pp.1218--1227, 2009 (in Japanese)
  88. 森田, 横井, 岩崎, 鵜飼, 松井, 伊藤, 瓜生, 向井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.129-C, No.12, pp.2136--2143, 2009 (in Japanese)
  89. K. Seki, M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, H. Hirai, and K. Yasuda
    ``Adaptive Compensation for Reaction Force with Frequency Variation in Shaking Table Systems''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No.10, pp.3864--3871, October 2009
  90. N. Hirose, M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``Deadbeat Feedforward Compensation with Frequency Shaping in Fast and Precise Positioning''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No.10, pp.3790--3797, October 2009
  91. 廣瀬, 岩崎, 川福, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.129-D, No.10, pp.981--988, 2009 (in Japanese)
  92. 山元, 岩崎, 三橋, 伊藤, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.129-D, No.7, pp.714--724, 2009 (in Japanese)
  93. N. Hirose, M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``Initial Value Compensation Using Additional Input for Semi-Closed Control System''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No.3, pp.635--641, March 2009
  94. K. Seki, M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, H. Hiromu, and K. Kishida
    ``Practical Controller Design of Hybrid Experimental System for Seismic Tests''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No.3, pp.628--634, March 2009
  95. M. Miyaji, M. Yura, and M. Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Tracking Accuracy of Double-Column Machining Center with High-Speed and High-Acceleration Driving''
    IEEJ Trans. on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, pp.210--217, 2009
  96. M. Yamamoto, M. Iwasaki, H. Hirai, Y Okitsu, K. Sasaki, and T. Yajima
    ``Modeling and Compensation for Angular Transmission Error in Harmonic Drive Gearings''
    IEEJ Trans. on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, pp.158--165, 2009
  97. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.128-D, No.12, pp.1403--1410, 2008 (in Japanese)
  98. 山元, 岩崎, 伊藤, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.128-D, No.11, pp.1308--1316, 2008 (in Japanese)
  99. 廣瀬, 寺地, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.128-D, No.10, 1219--1227, 2008 (in Japanese)
  100. 関, 菊池, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 保田
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.74, No.745, pp.2206--2213, 2008-9 (in Japanese)
  101. 関, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 保田
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.74, No.744, pp.2052--2058, 2008-8 (in Japanese)
  102. 関, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 保田
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.74, No.743, pp.1790--1797, 2008-7 (in Japanese)
  103. 関, 樋川, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 保田
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.74, No.743, pp.1783--1789, 2008-7 (in Japanese)
  104. 廣瀬, 寺地, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.128-D, No.6, pp.718--727, 2008 (in Japanese)
  105. 山元, 岩崎, 伊藤, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.128-D, No.6, pp.742--749, 2008 (in Japanese)
  106. 川瀬, 岩崎, 川福, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.128-D, No.6, pp.750--757, 2008 (in Japanese)
  107. 山元, 岩崎, 伊藤, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.128-D, No.6, pp.839--848, 2008 (in Japanese)
  108. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.127-D, No.11, pp.1125--1132, 2007 (in Japanese)
  109. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.127-D, No.10, pp.1081--1089, 2007 (in Japanese)
  110. 関, 服部, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 岸田
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.73, No.731, pp.2005--2011, 2007-7 (in Japanese)
  111. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.127-D, No.6, pp.618--626, 2007 (in Japanese)
  112. 山元, 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.127-D, No.6, pp.627--634, 2007 (in Japanese)
  113. 岩崎, 前田, 川福, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.126-D, No.6, pp.732--740, 2006 (in Japanese)
  114. 伊藤, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 堂薗, 黒崎
    日本機械学会論文誌C編, Vol.72, No.713, pp.61--67, 2006-1 (in Japanese)
  115. 川福, 大津, 岩崎, 平井, 小林, 奥山
    「ハードディスク装置の高精度位置決め制御 第一報:偏分反復法を用いた高精度シミュレータの構築」
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.125-D, No.12, pp.1069--1075, 2005 (in Japanese)
  116. 岩崎, 宮路, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.125-D, No.6, pp.616--622, 2005 (in Japanese)
  117. 岩崎, 永井, 川福, 平井, 大久保, 村上
    「GAによる高速・高精度位置決め制御系のオートチューニング」 電気学会論文誌, Vol.125-D, No.6, pp.608--615, 2005 (in Japanese)
  118. M. Iwasaki, M. Miwa, and N. Matsui
    ``GA-Based Evolutionary Identification Algorithm for Unknown Structured Mechatronics Systems''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.52, No.1, pp.300--305, February 2005
  119. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.125-D, No.1, pp.76--83, 2005 (in Japanese)
  120. 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.124-D, No.6, pp.607--615, 2004 (in Japanese)
  121. K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``Optimal Design of Robust Vibration Suppression Controller Using Genetic Algoriths''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.51, No.5, pp.947--953, October 2004
  122. 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.124-D, No.1, pp.69--76, 2004 (in Japanese)
  123. M. Iwasaki, H. Takei, and N. Matsui
    ``GMDH-Based Modeling and Feedforward Compensation for Nonlinear Friction in Table Drive System''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.50, No.6, pp.1172--1178, December 2003
  124. 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    精密工学会論文誌, Vol.69, No.1, pp.58--63, 2003 (in Japanese)
  125. 公文, 鈴木, 岩崎, 松崎, 松井, 大熊
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.122-D, No.2, pp.135--143, 2002 (in Japanese)
  126. 公文, 鈴木, 岩崎, 松崎, 松井, 大熊
    高速信号処理応用技術学会誌, Vol.5, No.4, pp.24--30, 2002 (in Japanese)
  127. K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``GA-Based Practical Compensator Design for a Motion Control System''
    IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, Vol.6, No.2, pp.143--148, 2001
  128. 岩崎, 妻木, 平井, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.121-D, No.12, pp.1235--1242, 2001 (in Japanese)
  129. 岩崎, 柴田, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.120-C, No.1, pp.20--26, 2000 (in Japanese)
  130. 岩崎, 酒井, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.120-D, No.3, pp.351--358, 2000 (in Japanese)
  131. 公文, 岩崎, 鈴木, 橋山, 松井, 大熊
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.120-D, No.11, pp.1343--1350, 2000 (in Japanese)
  132. 伊藤, 西園, 岩崎, 松井
    精密工学会論文誌, Vol.66, No.10, pp.1558--1563, 2000 (in Japanese)
  133. 岩崎, 松井
    計測と制御,Vol.39, No.10, pp.655--658, 2000 (in Japanese)
  134. 公文, 鈴木, 岩崎, 橋山, 松井, 大熊
    「進化的計算手法による構造未知線形動的システムの同定」 計測自動制御学会論文集,Vol.36, No.11, pp.995--1002, 2000
  135. M. Iwasaki, T. Shibata, and N. Matsui
    ``Disturbance-Observer-Based Nonlinear Friction Compensation in Table Drive System''
    IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, Vol.4, No.1, pp.3--8, 1999
  136. 岩崎, 久世, 大塚, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.118-C, No.1, pp.106--111, 1998 (in Japanese)
  137. 岩崎, 柴田, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.118-D, No.1, pp.51--57, 1998 (in Japanese)
  138. 酒井, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.118-D, No.7/8, pp.870--876, 1998 (in Japanese)
  139. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.117-C, No.1, pp.50--56, 1997 (in Japanese)
  140. 岩崎, 鬼頭, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.117-D, No.4, pp.456--462, 1997 (in Japanese)
  141. 岩崎, 鬼頭, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.116-C, No.1, pp. 96--102, 1996 (in Japanese)
  142. 岩崎, 広江, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.116-D, No.2, pp.137--143, 1996 (in Japanese)
  143. 岩崎, 浅井, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.114-D, No.10, pp.1046--1052, 1994 (in Japanese)
  144. A. Gastli, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.113-D, No.1, pp.87--95, 1993 (in Japanese)
  145. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Robust Speed Control of IM with Torque Feedforward Control''
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.40, No.6, pp.553--560, 1993
  146. 岩崎, 山田, 木下, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.110-D, No.2, pp.99--107, 1990 (in Japanese)
  147. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.110-D, No.11, pp.1126--1132, 1990 (in Japanese)
  148. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会論文誌, Vol.108-D, No.9, pp.845--852, 1988 (in Japanese)
  149. 竹下, 岩崎, 松井
    「三相PWMコンバータのパラメータ変動を考慮した電流制御法」 電気学会論文誌, Vol.107-D, No.11, pp.1339--1346, 1987 (in Japanese)

International Conference Proceedings

  1. Yohei Hashino, Tsuyoshi Aramaki, Kenta Seki, Kikuko Miyata, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Experimental Investigations of Temperature and Vacuum Properties in Solid Lubricated Strain Wave Gearings for Space Applications''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2024), SS1-1, pp.348--351, 2024 (Kyoto, Japan)
  2. Yuya Watanabe, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Investigation of Frequency-Shaped Final-State Control Design Focusing on Softening Spring Characteristics of Machine-Stand Vibration''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2024), TT3-6, pp.563--568, 2024 (Kyoto, Japan)
  3. Yusuke Toki, Naoki Mizuno, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Optimal Trajectory Planning with Collision Avoidance for Industrial Robots Considering Energy and Time in Operation''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2024), P2A-3, pp.290--291, 2024 (Kyoto, Japan)
  4. Yuki Aihara, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling of Hysteresis Characteristics Using Upper Bounded Unparallel Prandtl-Ishlinskii Model''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2024), P3C-4, pp.489--490, 2024 (Kyoto, Japan)
  5. Tsuyohi Aramaki, Kikuko Miyata, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Experimental Evaluation of Vision-Based Automatic Imaging Algorithm for Asteroid Flyby Observation''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2024), 6 pages, 2024 (Kyoto)
  6. Shota Naganawa, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Detection of Web Wrinkle Using Image Processing and Convolutional Neural Network in Web Transportation Systems''
    Proc. of the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2021), 6 pages, 2023 (Singapore)
  7. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Frequency-Domain Modeling-Free Iterative Learning Control for Point-To-Point Motion''
    Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2023), 7 pages, 2023 (Helsinki, Finland)
  8. Yujian Zhou, Jinhua She, Feng Wang, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Disturbance rejection for pedaling rehabilitation robot based on integration of equivalent-disturbance-rejection and repetitive control methods''
    Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2023), 5 pages, 2023 (Helsinki, Finland)
  9. Yujian Zhou, Jinhua, Feng Wang, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``A Model-Predictive-Enabled Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach for Disturbance Rejection''
    Proc. of 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS2023), TuB02-4, 4 pages, 2023 (Wuhan, China)
  10. Kenji Hirai, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Vibration Suppression Based on Self-Sensing Actuation Using Piezoelectric Elements Considering Parameter Variations''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2023), SS1-1, pp.293--296, 2023 (Nanjing, China)
  11. Yuya Watanabe, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling of Machine-Stand Vibration with Nonlinearities Through a Multi-Body Dynamics Simulation''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2023), SS1-1, pp.297--300, 2023 (Nanjing, China)
  12. Ze Yan, Xuzhi Lai, Manli Zhang, Ryo Izawa, Jinhua She, Min Wu, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Nonlinear-State-Observer-Based Sliding-mode Tracking Control of an Elastic-Joint Lightweight Two-Link Robot''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2023), SS1-2, pp.341--346, 2023 (Nanjing, China)
  13. Eitaro Kuroda, Hiroaki Noda, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Cooperative Optimization-Based Efficient Autonomous Parameter Design for Cascade Feedback Control System''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2023), 6 pages, 2023 (Loughborough, UK)
  14. Kenji Hayashi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Design and Verification of Full-Closed Control System for Testbed of Asteroid Flyby Observation System''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2022), SS1.1, pp.101--106, 2022 (Saitama-Online)
  15. Kikuko Miyata, Ssumu Hara, Kenji Hayashi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Comparisons of Vision-Based Target Tracking Methods for Asteroid Flyby Problem''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2022), SS1.2, pp.107--112, 2022 (Saitama-Online)
  16. Ryohei Horiba, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Detection and Control of Wrinkles During Web Transportation Based on Image Processing''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2022), P1.4, pp.320--321, 2022 (Saitama-Online)
  17. Asuka Obusu, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Comparisons of FRF Identification Methods Suitable for Linear Model-Based Feedforward Control of Galvano Scanner''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2022), P1.8, pp.330--331, 2022 (Saitama-Online)
  18. Chihiro Mikuriya, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Evaluation of Temperature Dependency for Displacement Estimation in Piezoelectric Stack Actuators''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2022), pp.112--117, 2022 (Padova-Online)
    DOI: 10.1109/AMC51637.2022.9729297
  19. Eitaro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Autonomous Parameter Design for Cascade Structure Feedback Controller Based on Time and Frequency Domain Optimization''
    Proc. of the 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2021), 6 pages, 2021 (Tronto-Online)
    DOI: 10.1109/IECON48115.2021.9589201
  20. Tran Vu Trung, Tomohiro Furuta, Koyo Akita, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Full State Feedback-based Vibration Suppression Control of Flexible-Link Flexible-Joint Robot''
    Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2021), TS-20.2, 6 pages, 2021 (Kyoto-Online)
  21. Tomoya Homan, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Tension Estimation and Control in Winding Process of Web Handling Systems''
    Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2021), TS-20.5, 6 pages, 2021 (Kyoto-Online)
  22. Kazuaki Ito and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Fast and Precise Position Control of Articulated Robot Using Estimated Load Acceleration''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), IS1.2, pp.7--12, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  23. Tomotaka Okumura, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Development of Haptic Display System Aided by Multibody Dynamics Simulation''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), P3.13, pp.431--432, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  24. Koki Kawai, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Comparative Verifications of Friction and Control Performance in Three Different Types of Pneumatic Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), P1.9, pp.302--303, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  25. Kenta Seki, Yuya Munemoto, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Experimental Verifications of Strain Signal-Based Position/Force Control in Piezoelectric Bimorph Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), SS3.4, pp.134--137, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  26. Koki Tsuchiya, Takuya Shiohara, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Practical Auto-Tuning of Feedback Control Parameters Based on Sequential Calculation of Stable Parameter Search Space''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), P2.1, pp.322--335, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  27. Jumpei Ohno, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Bridge Circuit for Self-Sensing Actuation Using Piezoelectric Elements''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), SS2-2.3, pp.238--241, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  28. Hayata Ueno, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Sloshing Suppression Control of Liquid Surface in Hydraulic Shaking Table Systems''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), P2.3, pp.328--329, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  29. Kensuke Ohno, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Detection of Table Motion and Full-Closed Control System Design in Two-Dimensional Shaking Table System''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2021), P2.10, pp.350--351, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  30. Tran Vu Trung and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Double-Disturbance Compensation Design for Full-Closed Cascade Control of Flexible Robots''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2021), 6 pages, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  31. Ryo Ishibashi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Development of Optimal Design Support System of Actuator Position and Control System Considering Resonant Vibration''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2021), 6 pages, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  32. Kenji Hayashi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling and Control Performance Evaluation for Testbed of Asteroid Flyby Ovservation System''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2021), 6 pages, 2021 (Kashiwa-Online)
  33. Chihiro Mikuriya, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Displacement Estimation and Control Based on High Frequency Injection and Bridge Circuit in Piezoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of the 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2020), pp.606--611, 2020 (Singapore-Online)
  34. Ryo Ishibashi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Feedback Controller Design Based on H-infinity Control Theory in Dynamically Substructured System''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2020), pp.51--56, 2020 (Kristiansand-Online)
  35. Kenta Seki, Yuya Sakuragi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Contact Force Control Based on Force Estimation in Bimorph-type Piezoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2020), pp.213--218, 2020 (Kristiansand-Online)
  36. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``High Precision Positioning Using Acceleration and Displacement Sensors in Piezo-driven Stage Systems'' (Invited session paper)
    Proc. of The 21th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC-2020), pp.8447--8452, 2020 (Berlin)
  37. Yoshihiro Maeda, Shu Kunitate, Eitaro Kuroda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Autonomous Cascade Structure Feedback Controller Design With Genetic Algorithm-based Structure Optimization'' (Invited session paper)
    Proc. of The 21th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC-2020), pp.8529--8535, 2020 (Berlin)
  38. Kazuaki Ito, Koki Komatsu, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Trajectory Tracking Performance of a Robot Manipulator using Iterative Learning Control''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2020), IS-5, 6 pages, 2020 (Tokyo)
  39. Shuta Ano, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Sway-angle Estimation Using Continuous and Discrete Sensing in Trolley System with Pendulum''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2020), TT-19, 4 pages, 2020 (Tokyo)
  40. Takuya Sakagami, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling and Sensorless Position Control Using Recurrent Neural Network in Shape-Memory-Alloy Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2020), P-1, 2 pages, 2020 (Tokyo)
  41. Chihiro Mikuriya, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Position Sensorless Control Using Strain Sensor and External Circuit in Piezoelectric Bimorph Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2020), P-4, 2 pages, 2020 (Tokyo)
  42. Koki Tsuchiya, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Examination of Stable Parameter Area Definition for GA-based Efficient Auto- tuning of Feedback Controller''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2020), P-5, 2 pages, 2020 (Tokyo)
  43. Mana Yamada, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Feedback Simulator-Based Control System Design in Trolley System with Pendulum''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2020), P-7, 2 pages, 2020 (Tokyo)
  44. Hayato Yokota, Kazuaki Ito, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Vibration Suppression of Industrial Robot Manipulator using Estimated Load Acceleration''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2020), P-21, 2 pages, 2020 (Tokyo)
  45. Tran Vu Trung and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``A Decoupling 2-DoF Control Design for Lightweight Two-Link Robots''
    Proc. of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2019), pp.3099--3104, 2019 (Lisbon)
  46. Shuta Ano, Kenta Seki, Michael Ruderman, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Estimation of Sway-angle Based on Hybrid State Observer Using Continuous and Discrete Sensing''
    Proc. of the 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2019), pp.3123--3128, 2019 (Lisbon)
  47. Eitaro Kuroda, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``An Autonomous Design Method of a Cascade Structure Feedback Controller''
    Proc. of 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS-2019), pp.808--813, 2019 (Vienna)
  48. Yoshihiro Maeda, Naoki Gou, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``A Stable Parameter Area Calculation Method for Advanced Auto-tuning of a Feedback Controller''
    Poc. of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN-2019), pp.541--546, 2019 (Helsinki)
  49. Takuya Sakagami, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Sensorless Position Control Based on Resistance and Heat Transfer Models in Shape Memory Alloy Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2019), pp.217--222, 2019 (Hong Kong)
  50. Kenta Seki, Jun-ya Hirata, Michael Ruderman, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Creep Modeling with Time-dependent Damping Parameters in Piezoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2019), pp.135--140, 2019 (Ilmenau)
  51. Hiroki Tachibana, Naoki Tanaka, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Comparisons of Frequency Response Function Identification Methods using Single Motion Data: Time- and Frequency-domain Approaches''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2019), pp.498--503, 2019 (Ilmenau)
  52. Masashi Matsuoka, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Disturbance Compensation Using Minimal Control Synthesis Algorithm in Two-dimensional Shaking Tables''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2019), TT8-3, 4 pages, 2019 (Chiba)
  53. Naoki Gou, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Efficient Auto-tuning of Feedback Control Parameters for Fast and Precise Positioning Control of Galvano Scanner''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2019), V1-2, 2 pages, 2019 (Chiba)
  54. Takuya Sakagami, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Position Estimation Based on Resistance Calculation Considering Temperature in Shape-Memory-Alloy Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2019), V1-3, 2 pages, 2019 (Chiba)
  55. Yuya Sakuragi, Jumpei Ohno, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Force Sensorless Control Using External Circuit in Piezoelectric Bimorph Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2019), V1-4, 2 pages, 2019 (Chiba)
  56. Takahiro Uchizono, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Cooperative Optimizaion-based Autonomous Feedback Controller Design for a Servo System with Resonant Modes''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2019), V1-5, 2 pages, 2019 (Chiba)
  57. Truong Quang Dinh, Makoto Iwasaki, Jong Il Yoon, and Adolfo Senatore
    ``Predictive Sliding Mode Tracking Control for a Class of SISO Systems''
    Proc. of the 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2018), pp.4545--4551, 2018 (Washington DC)
  58. Kazuaki Ito, Shota Ishiguro, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``High Precision Modeling for a Multi-Axis Robot Considering Interference Force based on Robot Dynamic Model''
    Proc. of the 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2018), pp.4581--4587, 2018 (Washington DC)
  59. Yoshihiro Maeda, Eitaro Kuroda, Takahiro Uchizono, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Hybrid Optimization Method for High-performance Cascade Structure Feedback Controller Design''
    Proc. of the 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2018), pp.4588--4593, 2018 (Washington DC)
  60. Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Robust Full-Closed Control-Based Vibration Suppression for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing'' (invited, plenary speech)
    Proc. of 12th France-Japan and 10th Europe-Asia Congress on Mecatronics (MECATRONICS2018), pp.5--11, 2018 (Mie)
  61. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``A Command Shaping Approach for Suppression of Scattered Responses on Servo Systems with Rolling Friction''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2018), pp.244--249, 2018 (Auckland)
  62. Tran Vu Trung and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``H_inf Control-based Vibration Suppression in Robot Arm with Strain Wave Gearing''
    Proc. of The 2018 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018), pp.1666--1672, 2018 (Niigata)
  63. Sota Kaida, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Design of Disturbance Observer Using Composite Filter in Two-Dimensional Shaking Table Systems''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2018), pp.379--384, 2018 (Tokyo)
  64. Masaki Koike, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Controller Design of Hybrid Experimental Systems with Adaptive Algorithm in Seismic Tests''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2018), pp.373--378, 2018 (Tokyo)
  65. Tatsuru Senyo, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Feedback Controller Design with Adaptive Hysteresis Modeling in Piezo-Driven Stage Systems''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2018), pp.449--454, 2018 (Tokyo)
  66. Yoshihiro Maeda, Hiroki Tachibana, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Comparative Evaluations of Frequency Response Analysis Methods for Fast and Precise Point-to-point Position Control''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2018), pp.437--442, 2018 (Tokyo)
  67. Wais Karimi, Michael Rderman, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Experimental framework of traveling trolley with swinging load for hybrid motion control''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2018), pp.60--65, 2018 (Tokyo)
  68. Kazuaki Ito, Koji Watanabe, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Robust Load States Estimation against Mechanical Parameters Variation of a Two-Mass System using Acceleration-aided Dynamic Kalman Filter''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2018), pp.491--496, 2018 (Tokyo)
  69. Takayuki Kikuchi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Tension Control in Roll to Roll Web Systems Considering Disturbance Suppression with Specific Frequencies''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2018), TT6-2, 4 pages, 2018 (Tokyo)
  70. Takuya Sakagami, Junya Hirata, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Mathematical Modeling Considering Nonlinearities in Shape-Memory-Alloy Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2018), V2-6, 2 pages, 2018 (Tokyo)
  71. Yuya Sakuragi, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Position Estimation by High Frequency Injection in Piezoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2018), V2-5, 2 pages, 2018 (Tokyo)
  72. Takahiro Uchizono, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``An Evaluation Function Design Method for Constrained Optimization-Based Feedback Controller Design''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2018), V1-11, 4 pages, 2018 (Tokyo)
  73. Kazuaki Ito, Koji Watanabe, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``High Precision Load State Estimation Using Acceleration-aided Dynamic Kalman Filter and Its Application to Motion Control''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2018), IS1-2, 6 pages, 2018 (Tokyo)
  74. Junya Hirata, Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Sensorless Positioning Control Using Simple External Circuit in Piezo-actuated Systems''
    Proc. of the 43th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2017), pp.7300--7305, 2017 (Beijin)
  75. Sota Kaida, Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Accuracy of Seismic Waveforms Using Dirsturbance Observer in Multi-Axis Shaking Table Systems''
    Proc. of the 43th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2017), pp.4043--4048, 2017 (Beijin)
  76. Kenta Seki, Shota Fujihara, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Force Transmission Performance Considering Nonlinear Friction in Bilateral Control Systems''
    Proc. of The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC-2017), pp.12577--12582, 2017 (Toulouse)
  77. Makoto Ito, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Examination of Iterative Learning Control for Repetitive Fast and Precise Positioning Motion Combining Short and Long Interval Periods''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2017), pp.1382--1387, 2017 (Munich)
  78. Tatsuru Senyo, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Hysteresis Modeling and Adaptive Feedforward Compensation Based on NLMS Algorithm in Piezoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2017), TT3-3, 6 pages, 2017 (Nagaoka)
  79. Daiki Yamauchi, Kazuaki Ito, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Virtual Damping Control of Two-Mass Systems for Vibration Suppression of Load Vibration due to Self-locking Function''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2017), TT3-5, 6 pages, 2017 (Nagaoka)
  80. Yuki Sugiura, Jun Kato, Yoshihiro Maeda, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``A Study on Frequency Response Analysis Using Friction Model for Frictional Systems''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2017), pp.37--42, 2017 (Gippsland)
  81. Hideki Jonokuchi, Takashi Egawa, Makoto Iwasaki, and Takashi Kosaka
    ``DC-AC inverter with Heterodyne technique and GaN power device''
    Prof. of IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES-2016), 6 pages, 2016 (Trivandrum, India)
  82. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Practical Iterative learning Control Considering Robust Stability for Fast and Precise Positioning of Galvano Scanner ''
    Proc. of the 42th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2016), 6 pages, 2016 (Florence)
  83. Kazuaki Ito and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``State Feedback-based Vibration Suppression for Multi-axis Industrial Robot with Posture Change''
    Proc. of the 42th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2016), 6 pages, 2016 (Florence)
  84. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Circle Condition-Based Robust Feedback Control against Plant Perturbation'' (Invited Paper)
    Proc. of 7th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS-2016), pp.109--114, 2016 (Loughborough)
  85. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Analysis of Response Variation in Fast and Precise Micrometer Stroke Positioning''
    Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2016), pp.1126--1131, 2016 (Santa Clara)
  86. Sota Kaida, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Development of Space-saving Mechanism in Shaking Table Systems for Earthquake Simulators''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2016), pp.123--128, 2016 (Auckland)
  87. Daisuke Noda, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Composite Filter Design and Application to Piezo-driven Stage Systems''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2016), pp.235--240, 2016 (Auckland)
  88. Koji Watanabe, Kazuaki Ito, Makoto Iwasaki, Riccardo Antonello, and Roberto Oboe
    ``Estimation of Load-side Position of Two Mass Resonant Systems using MEMS Accelerometers''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2016), pp.241--246, 2016 (Auckland)
  89. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Initial Friction Compensation for Suppressing Response Dispersion in Micrometer Stroke Positioning''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2016), IS5-3, 6 pages, 2016 (Tokyo)
  90. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Retrospection on control-oriented case study of nonlinear elasticities in wave-motion gears''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2016), IS5-6, 6 pages, 2016 (Tokyo)
  91. Shota Fujihara, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Experimental Evaluations of Force Control Using Reaction Force Observer Considering Friction Dynamics''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2016), V-10, 2 pages, 2016 (Tokyo)
  92. Tatsuru Senyo, Daisuke Noda, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Hysteresis Modeling Based on Prandtl-Ishlinskii Model in Peizoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2016), V-13, 2 pages, 2016 (Tokyo)
  93. Esam. H. Abdelhameed, Tarek Hassan Mohamed, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modified Model Predictive Control for a Positioning Mechanism with Harmonic Drive Gear''
    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA 2015), 7 pages, 2015 (Alexandria, Egypt)
  94. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Control of Nonlinear Elastic Joint Robots Using Feed-Forward Torque Decoupling''
    Proc. of 1st IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON-2015), pp.147--152, 2015 (Saint Petersburg)
  95. Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Fast and Precise Control for Positioning Devises with Strain Wave Gearings'' (Invited Guest Speech)
    Proc. of the Harmonic Drive International Symposium, pp.99--105, 2015 (Matsumoto)
  96. Daisuke Matsuka, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Method for Quantifying Degradation of Bearing Performance and Analyzing Its Effect on Settling Performance of Galvano Scanners''
    Proc. of IEE Japan International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control (SAMCON-2015), IS7-5, 4 pages, 2015 (Nagoya)
  97. Masahiro Mizuno, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Experimental Verifications of Feedforward Compensation for Nonlinearity in Electro-Hydraulic Servo Systems''
    Proc. of IEE Japan International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control (SAMCON-2015), TT3-2-1, 4 pages, 2015 (Nagoya)
  98. Daisuke Noda, Yuki Kamiya, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Dual-Loop Controller Design Considering Robust Vibration Suppression in Piezo-Driven Stages''
    Proc. of IEE Japan International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, and Motion Control (SAMCON-2015), V-8, 2 pages, 2015 (Nagoya)
  99. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Application of Self-sensing Technique for Position Control Considering Vibration Suppression in Piezo-driven Stage''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2015), pp.274--279, 2015 (Nagoya)
  100. Michael Ruderman, Yuki Kamiya, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Extended Lumped Parameter Electromechanical Model of Piezoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2015), pp.286--291, 2015 (Nagoya)
  101. Masafumi Yamamoto, Yoshifumi Okitsu, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``GA-Based Auto-Tuning of Vibration Suppression Controller for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearings''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2015), pp.610--615, 2015 (Nagoya)
  102. Naoto Sugiura, Kazuaki Ito, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``LMI-Based Position Command Design of Table Systems Considering Compensation for Impact Force and Interference''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2015), pp.622--627, 2015 (Nagoya)
  103. Yusaku Shinohara, Kenta Seki, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Robust Vibration Suppression Control for Resonant Frequency Variations in Dual-Stage Actuator-Driven Load Devices''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2015), pp.628--633, 2015 (Nagoya)
  104. Daisuke Matsuka, Satoshi Fukushima, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Compensation for Torque Fluctuation Caused by Temperature Change in Fast and Precise Positioning of Galvanometer Scanners''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2015), pp.638--643, 2015 (Nagoya)
  105. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Impact of Hysteresis Lost Motion on The Sensorless Torsion Control of Elastic Robotic Joints''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2015), pp.650--655, 2015 (Nagoya)
  106. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Hybrid Positioning Control Using Time-Optimal Feed-Forwarding and Sliding Mode Feedback''
    Proc. of 10th France-Japan Congress, 8th Europe-Asia Congress on Mecatronics (Mechatronics-2014), pp.189--194, 2014 (Tokyo)
  107. Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling and Compensation for Angular Transmission Errors for Precision Positioning Devices with Harmonic Drive Gearings'' (Plenary Talk, invited keynote lecture)
    Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Positioning Technology (ICPT-2014), pp.13--20, 2014 (Fukuoka)
  108. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``On Identification and Sensorless Control of Nonlinear Torsion in Elastic Robotic Joints''
    Proc. of the 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2014), pp.2828--2833, 2014 (Dallas)
  109. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Impulse-based Discrete Feedback Control of Motion with Damping Uncertainties''
    Proc. of the 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2014), pp.2780--2785, 2014 (Dallas)
  110. Makoto Iwasaki and Hiroyuki Nakamura
    ``Vibration Suppression for Angular Transmission Errors in Harmonic Drive Gearings and Application to Industrial Robots''
    Proc. of The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC-2014), pp.6831--6836, 2014 (Cape Town)
  111. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling and Shaking Table Systems Aided by Multi-Body Dynamics Software''
    Proc. of The 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC2014), No.3D25, 10 pages, 2014 (Sapporo)
  112. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Disturbance Suppression Control Combined Disturbance Observer with Acceleration Feedback in 2-Dimensional Shaking Table System''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2014), pp.156--161, 2014 (Besancon)
  113. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Sensorless Control of Motor Velociry Using Extended State Observer and Load-side Sensing of Two-mass Actuator Systems''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2014), pp.360--365, 2014 (Besancon)
  114. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Analysis of Settling Behavior and Design of Cascaded Precise Positioning Control in Presence of Nonlinear Friction''
    Proc. of The 2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014), pp.1665--1670, 2014 (Hiroshima)
  115. Hirotaka Tokoro, Motohiro Kawafuku, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``An Application of State Feedback Control to Actual Vehicle Vibration Suppression''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2014), pp.185--190, 2014 (Yokohama)
  116. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Combined Luenberger State and Disturbance Observer for Semi-dual Loop Control of Two-mass Actuator System''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2014), pp.500--505, 2014 (Yokohama)
  117. Michael Ruderman and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Control of Pre-sliding Friction using Nonlinear State Observer''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2014), pp.592--597, 2014 (Yokohama)
  118. Kenta Seki, Michael Ruderman, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Modeling and Compensation for Hysteresis Properties in Piezoelectric Actuators''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2014), pp.687--692, 2014 (Yokohama)
  119. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Circle Condition-Based PID Controller Design Considering Robust Stability Against Plant Perturbations''
    Proc. of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2013), pp.6440--6445, November 2013 (Vienna)
  120. Michael Ruderman, Wataru Maebashi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Semi-dual Loop Control of Two-Mass Actuator System using Luenberger State Observer''
    Proc. of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2013), pp.6561--6556, November 2013 (Vienna)
  121. Kenta Seki, Kazuhiro Sugita, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Design of Disturbance Compensation Signals Aided by Multi-Body Dynamics Software in Shaking Table Systems''
    Proc. of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2013), pp.6452--6457, November 2013 (Vienna)
  122. Souichi Toyama, Yousuke Okado, Yoshihiro Maeda, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Adaptive Deadbeat Feedforward Compensation for Robust Positioning Performance Against Plant Perturbations''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2013), pp.670--675, 2013 (Vicenza)
  123. Kenta Seki, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Makoto Iwasaki, Mirko Zanetti, and Roberto Oboe
    ``Suppression of Resonant Vibration Due to Angular Transmission Errors of Reduction Gearing in Industrial Robots''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2013), pp.834--839, 2013 (Vicenza)
  124. Yusaku Shinohara, Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, Hiroshi Chinda, and Masaki Takahashi
    ``Controller Design for Dual-Stage Actuator-Driven Load Devices Considering Suppression of Vibration Due to Input Saturation''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2013), pp.742--747, 2013 (Vicenza)
  125. Kazuaki Ito, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Improvement of Trajectory Tracking Performance using Pseudo Feedforward Control''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2013), pp.767--772, 2013 (Vicenza)
  126. Motohiro Kawafuku, Masato Mizoguchi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``High Accuracy Tracking Control using Friction Model with Velocity Characteristic in Short Span Seeking Operation''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2013), pp.748--753, 2013 (Vicenza)
  127. Makoto Saito, Makoto Iwasaki, and Takashi Egawa
    ``Countermeasures for EMI Noises in Power Circuit Using GaN Switching Device''
    Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma-2013), p.230, 2013 (Nagoya)
  128. Kenta Seki, Hiroki Yokoi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Vibration Suppression Perfromance of Galvano Mirror Using Piezoelectric Element''
    Proc. of the 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2012), pp.3794--3799, October 2012 (Montreal)
  129. Eui-Jin Kim, Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, and Sang-Hun Lee
    ``Modeling and Identification of Serial Two-Link Manipulator Considering Joint Nonlinearities for Industrial Robots Control''
    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2012), pp.2718--2723, October 2012 (Vilamoura)
  130. Kenta Seki, Hiroki Yokoi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Experimental Evaluations of Friction Behavior in Micro-Displacement Region Positioning for Servo Motor with Air Bearings''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2012), pp.731--736, July 2012 (Kaohsiung)
  131. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``A Feedback Controller Design Based on Circle Condition for Improvement of Disturbance Suppression''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2012), 6 pages, 2012 (Sarajevo)
  132. Takanori Kato, Yoshihiro Maeda, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``A Coordinate Design of Two-Degrees-Of-Freedom Controller for Fast and Precise Positioning''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2012), 6 pages, 2012 (Sarajevo)
  133. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Model-Based Feedforward Compensation for Disturbance Caused by Rotational Motion in 2-Dimensional Shaking Table Systems''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2012), 6 pages, 2012 (Sarajevo)
  134. Wataru Kubota, Motohiro Kawafuku, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hirotaka Tokoro
    ``High Accurate Modeling of Vehicle Dynamics Considering Three-Dimensional Rotating Motion''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2012), 6 pages, 2012 (Sarajevo)
  135. Motohiro Kawafuku, Masato Mizoguchi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Head Positioning Control System Design Based on Dynamic Characteristic of Rolling Friction in HDDs''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2012), 6 pages, 2012 (Sarajevo)
  136. Kazuaki Ito, Yuichi Katsuki, Wataru Maebashi, and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Feedback Controller Design Considering Plant Dynamics of Table Drive System in Microscopic Displacement Region''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2012), 6 pages, 2012 (Sarajevo)
  137. Yoshihiro Maeda, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Settling Performance by Mode Switching Feedback Compensation in Fast and Precise Positioning''
    Proc. of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2011), pp.3287--3292, 2011 (Melbourne)
  138. Kenta Seki, Yusaku Shinohara, Makoto Iwasaki, Hiroshi Chinda, Masaki Takahashi
    ``Force Controller Design Based on PQ Method for Dual-Stage Actuators in Polishing Machines''
    Proc. of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2011), pp.3269--3274, 2011 (Melbourne)
  139. Wataru Maebashi, Kazuaki Ito, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Robust Fast and Precise Positioning with Feedfoward Disturbance Compensation''
    Proc. of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2011), pp.3299--3304, 2011 (Melbourne)
  140. Kazuaki Ito, Wataru Maebashi, Jun Ikeda, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Fast and Precise Positioning of Rotary Table Systems by Feedforward Disturbance Compensation Considering Interference Force''
    Proc. of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2011), pp.3263--3268, 2011 (Melbourne)
  141. Kenta Seki and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``High Precision Positioning of Table Drive Systems Using Strain Feedback''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2011), pp.826--831, 2011 (Budapest)
  142. Yoshihiro Maeda, Masatake Wada, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Improvement of Settling Performance by Mode Switching Control with Split Initial Value Compensation Based on Input Shaper''
    Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2011), pp.905--910, 2011 (Gdansk)
  143. Kenta Seki, Yusaku Shinohara, Makoto Iwasaki, Hiroshi Chinda, Masaki Takahashi
    ``High Precision Force Control of Pneumatic Cylinders Considering Disturbance Suppression with Specific Frequency''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2011), 6 pages (CD-ROM), 2011 (Istanbul)
  144. Kenta Seki, Hiroaki Matsuura, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``High-Precision Positioning by Structural Design Using Vibration Node''
    Proc. of the 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2010), pp.1890--1895, 2010 (Phoenix)
  145. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Improvement of Settling Performance by Initial Value Compensation Considering Rolling Friction Characteristic''
    Proc. of the 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2010), pp.1896--1901, 2010 (Phoenix)
  146. Motohiro Kawafuku, Masaki Shibata, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Short Span Seeking Control System of Hard Disk Drives Based on Pivot Friction Compensation''
    Proc. of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, No.48, pp.168--173, 2010 (Boston)
  147. Kazuaki Ito, Makoto Iwasaki
    ``LMI-based Command Shaping Approach Considering Interference between Table Systems''
    Proc. of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, No.130, pp.194--199, 2010 (Boston)
  148. Motohiro Kawafuku, Masaki Shibata, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Short Span Seeking Control System of Hard Disk Drives Based on Pivot Friction Compensation''
    Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2010, No.TA01-1, 6 pages (CD-ROM), 2010 (Taipei)
  149. Wataru Kubota, Masayuki Ishikawa, Motohiro Kawafuku, Makoto Iwasaki, and Takehito Fujii
    ``Verifications of Movable Roll Center Behaviors in Vehicle Body Frame Geometry''
    Proc. of IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control (IFAC AAC-2010), No.p-34, 6 pages (CD-ROM), 2010 (Munich)
  150. Kenta Seki, Hiroki Kannami, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Application of Self-Sensing Actuation Using Piezoelectric Element for Vibration Suppression of Galvanometric Mirror''
    Proc. of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2010), pp.1070--1075, 2010 (Montreal)
  151. Makoto Saito, Makoto Iwasaki, Takashi Egawa, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``Novel Power Conversion Circuit Using GaN Switching Device''
    Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma-2010), p.137, 2010 (Nagoya)
  152. Kazuaki Ito, Wataru Maebashi, Masafumi Yamamoto, Makoto Iwasaki, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``Fast and Precise Positioning by Sequential Adaptive Feedfoward Compensation for Disturbance''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2010), pp.19--23, 2010 (Nagaoka)
  153. Esam Hafez Abd Dlhameed and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Hybrid Intelligent Controller for High Precision Positioning Mechanism in the Microscopic Displacement Range''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2010), pp.13--18, 2010 (Nagaoka)
  154. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Analytical Examinations and Compensation for Slow Settling Response in Precise Positioning Based on Rolling Friction Model''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2010), pp.24--29, 2010 (Nagaoka)
  155. Masafumi Yamamoto, Makoto Iwasaki, Makoto Kainuma, Yoshifumi Okitsu, Kato Yuki, Kozo Sasaki, and Toshio Yajima
    ``Compensation for Synchronous Component of Angular Transmission Errors in Harmonic Drive Gearings''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2010), pp.361--365, 2010 (Nagaoka)
  156. Motohiro Kawafuku, Jun Takamori, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Comparison of the Control Performance for the Following Control System in HDDs''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2010), pp.548--553, 2010 (Nagaoka)
  157. Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Reaction Force Compensation With Frequency Identifier in Shaking Table Systems''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2010), pp.673--678, 2010 (Nagaoka)
  158. Makoto Saito, Makoto Iwasaki, Takashi Egawa, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``Novel Power Conversion Circuit Using GaN Switching Device''
    Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma-2010), p.137, 2010 (Nagoya)
  159. Yoshifumi Morita, Akitoshi Yokoi, Makoto Iwasaki, Hiroyuki Ukai, Nobuyuki Matsui, Norihisa Ito, Nobuhiko Uryu, and Yasuhiko Mukai
    ``Controller Design Method for Electric Power Steering System with Variable Gear Transmission System using Decoupling Control''
    Proc. of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2009), pp.3079--3084, 2009 (Porto)
  160. Kenta Seki, Keisuke Mochizuki, Makoto Iwasaki, Hiromu Hirai
    ``High-Precision Positioning Considering Suppression of Resonant Vibration Modes by Strain Feedback''
    Proc. of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2009), pp.3114--3119, 2009 (Porto)
  161. Yoshihiro Maeda and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Initial Friction Compensation by Disturbance Observer Based on Rolling Friction Model''
    Proc. of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2009), pp.3138--3143, 2009 (Porto)
  162. Kazuaki Ito, Masafumi Yamamoto, Makoto Iwasaki, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``LMI-Based Robust Command Shaping Against Plant Perturbations in Fast and Precise Positioning''
    Proc. of ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.13--18, 2009 (Fukuoka)
  163. Motohiro Kawafuku, Jun Takamori, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Precise Following Control Using Optimized Friction Compensator for HDDs''
    Proc. of ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.7--12, 2009 (Fukuoka)
  164. Makoto Iwasaki, Masafumi Yamamoto, Hiromu Hirai, Yoshifumi Okitsu, Kozo Sasaki, and Toshio Yajima
    ``Modeling and Compensation for Angular Transmission Error of Harmonic Drive Gearings in High Precision Positioning''
    Proc. of The 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2009), pp.662--667, July 2009 (Singapore)
  165. Esam H. Abd-Elhameed and Makoto Iwasaki
    ``Pulsating Torque Modeling and Compensation for High Precision Positioning Control''
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2009), No.Fr2C.6, 6 pages, 2009 (Malaga)
  166. Yoshihiro Maeda, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Nonlinear Modeling and Evaluation of Rolling Friction''
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2009), No.We2A.2, 6 pages, 2009 (Malaga)
  167. Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, Hiromu Hirai, Kazuki Yasuda
    ``Adaptive Feedforward Compensation for Reaction Force with Nonlinear Specimen in Shaking Tables''
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2009), No.Th2B.1, 6 pages, 2009 (Malaga)
  168. Noriaki Hirose, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Deadbeat Feedforward Compensation with Frequency Shaping in Fast and Precise Positioning''
    Proc. of the 34nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2008), pp.2521--2526, 2008 (Orland)
  169. Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, Hiromu Hirai, and Kazuki Yasuda
    ``Improvement of Control Performance in Shaking-Table by Feedback Compensation for Reaction Force''
    Proc. of the 34nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2008), pp.2551--2556, 2008 (Orland)
  170. Makoto Iwasaki and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``Modeing and Compensation for Nonlinear Friction in Fast and Precise Positioning''
    Proc. of 7th France-Japan Congress on Mechatronics (Mecatronics-2008), No.124, 6 pages, 2008 (Le Grand-Bornand)
  171. Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, Hiromu Hirai, and Kazuki Yasuda
    ``Practical Compensation for Reaction Force with Specific Frequency in Shaking Tables''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2008), pp.677--682, 2008 (Trento)
  172. Kazuaki Ito, Nobuyoshi Takigawa, Masafumi Yamamoto, Makoto Iwasaki, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``On-line Parameter Tuning of Disturbance Compensation in Precision Positioning''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2008), pp.672--676, 2008 (Trento)
  173. Yoshifumi Morita, Kentaro Torii, Norio Tsuchida, Makoto Iwasaki, Hiroyuki Ukai, Nobuyuki Matsui, Jiro Hayashi, Noriyuki Ido, and Hiroshi Ishikawa
    ``Improvement of Steering Feel of Electric Power Steering System with Variable Gear Transmission System using Decoupling Control''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2008), pp.417--422, 2008 (Trento)
  174. Motohiro Kawafuku, Atsushi Ohta, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Comparison of Rolling Friction Behavior in HDDs''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2008), pp.272--277, 2008 (Trento)
  175. Noriaki Hirose, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Initial Value Compensation Using Additional Input for Semi-Closed Control Systems''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2008), pp.218--2223, 2008 (Trento)
  176. Masafumi Yamamoto, Makoto Iwasaki, Kazuaki Ito, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``Disturbance Compensation in Inching Motion of Ball Screw-Driven Table System''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2008), pp.224--228, 2008 (Trento)
  177. M. Iwasaki and Hiromu Hirai
    ``GA-Based Practical On-Line Auto-Tuning of Positioning Controller in Mechatronic Systems''
    Proc. of 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS-2007), No. pp.249--254, November 2007 (Palmerston North)
  178. Kazuaki Ito, Nobuyoshi Takigawa, Masafumi Yamamoto, Makoto Iwasaki, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``Disturbance Estimation and Modeling by Iterative Learning Process for Performance Improvement in Trajectory Control''
    Proc. of the 33nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2007), pp.333--338, 2007 (Taipei)
  179. Motohiro Kawafuku, JongHyun Eom, Makoto Iwasaki, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Identification Method for Plant Dynamics Over Nyquist Frequency''
    Proc. of the 33nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2007), pp.362--367, 2007 (Taipei)
  180. M. Iwasaki, M. Yamamoto, and N. Matsui
    ``Command Shaping for Fast and Precise Positioning Considering Target Position Correction''
    Proc. of The 2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2007), No.23, pp.1--6, September 2007 (Zurich)
  181. Noriaki Hirose, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Improvement of Computational Load in Initial Value Compensation with Additional Input''
    Proc. of 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE'07), pp.3096--3101, 2007 (Vigo)
  182. Kenta Seki, Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, Hiromu Hirai, and Kazuyoshi Kishida
    ``Controller Design of Hybrid Experimental System for Seismic Tests''
    Proc. of 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE'07), pp.3090--3095, 2007 (Vigo)
  183. Makoto Iwasaki, Hiromu Hirai, and Nobuyuki Matsui
    ``Fast and Precise Positioning by 2DOF Control¥¥ with Friction Compensation''
    Proc. of International Conference on Communication, Comuputer and Power (ICCCP'07), pp.269--274, 2007 (Mascut)
  184. M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``2DOF Control-Based Fast and Precise Positioning Using Disturbance Observer''
    Proc. of the 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2006), pp.5234--5239, 2006 (Paris)
  185. Y. Morita, K. Torii, N. Tsuchida, H. Ukai, M. Iwasaki, N. Matsui, J. Hayashi, N. Ido, and H. Ishikawa
    ``Decoupling Control of Electric Power Steering System with Variable Gear Transmission System''
    Proc. of the 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2006), pp.5264--5269, 2006 (Paris)
  186. M. Iwasaki, Y. Maeda, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``Precise Modeling of Rolling Friction in Ball Screw-Driven Table Positioning System''
    Proc. of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems 2006 (Mechatronics-2006), pp.295--300, 2006 (Heidelberg)
  187. M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``2DOF Control-Based Fast and Precise Positioning for Vibratory Mechanism with Nonlinear Friction''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM-2006), pp.27--31, 2006 (Budapest)
  188. K. Ito, M. Yamamoto, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``Fast and Precise Positioning of Ball Screw-Driven Table Drive System Using Minimum Jerk Control-Based Command Shaping''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2006), pp.115--119, 2006 (Istanbul)
  189. M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``Precise Modeling for Mechatronic Systems Using Differential Iteration Method''
    Proc. of The 2005 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2005), pp.1575--1579, April 2005 (Niigata)
  190. M. Iwasaki, K. Ito, M. Kawafuku, H. Hirai, Y. Dozono, and K. Kurosaki
    ``Disturbance Observer-Based Practical Control of Shaking Tables with Nonlinear Specimen''
    Proc. of The 16th IFAC World Congress (IFAC2005), 6 pages, July 2005 (Prague)
  191. M. Kawafuku, M. Iwasaki, H. Hirai, and A. Okuyama
    ``Rejection of Repeatable Run-Out in HDDs Using Inverse Frequency Dynamics''
    Proc. of The 16th IFAC World Congress (IFAC2005), 6 pages, July 2005 (Prague)
  192. M. Iwasaki, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``Residual Vibration Suppression in Repetitive Positioning by Practical Initial Value Compensation''
    Proc. The 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM-2005), pp.1605--1610, July 2005 (Monterey)
  193. K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``GA-Based Autonomous Design of Robust Fast and Precise Positioning Considering Machine Stand Vibration Suppression''
    Proc. of the Second International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD-2004), pp.709--714, 2004 (Edinburgh)
  194. M. Kawafuku, M. Iwasaki, H. Hirai, M. Kobayashi, and A. Okuyama
    ``Rejection of Repeatable Runout for HDDs Using Adaptive Filter''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2004), pp.305--310, 2004 (Kawasaki)
  195. K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``Robust Fast and Precise Positioning of Ball Screw-Driven Table System on Machine Stand''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2004), pp.511--515, 2004 (Kawasaki)
  196. M. Iwasaki, N. Hirose, M. Kawafuku, and H. Hirai
    ``Residual Vibration Suppression Using Initial Value Compensation for Repetitive Positioning''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2004), pp.571--576, 2004 (Kawasaki)
  197. Makoto Iwasaki, Yuji Nagai, Motohiro Kawafuku, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``GA-Based Practical On-Line Auto-Tuning for Fast and Precise Positioning Controller''
    Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC-2004), No.49, pp.1--6, 2004 (St.Louis)
  198. Makoto Iwasaki, Motohiro Kawafuku, and Hiromu Hirai
    ``Practical Evolutionary On-Line Auto-Tuning Using GA for Fast and Precise Positioning Controller''
    Proc. of Mechatronics & Robotics 2004 (MechRob-2004), pp.417--421, 2004 (Aachen)
  199. M. Kawafuku, H. Igarashi, M. Iwasaki, and H. Hirai
    ``Fast-Response and High-Precision Positioning Using Iterative Learning Control''
    Proc. of International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICMIT-2003), pp.425--430, 2003 (Jecheon)
  200. Y. Mukai, H. Ukai, M. Iwasaki, N. Matsui, J. Hayashi, N. Makino, and H. Ishikawa
    ``Improvement of Maneuvering Feeling of Human-Mechanical Cooperative System and Its Application to Electric Power Steering System''
    Proc. of International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems (ICCAS-2003), pp.728--733, 2003 (Gyeongju)
  201. M. Iwasaki, K. Seki, and H. Hirai
    ``Fast-Response Positioning Using H_infty Control in Machine Tools''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2002), pp.46--51, 2002 (Maribor)
  202. K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``Optimal Design of Robust Vibration Suppression Controller Using Genetic Algorithms''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2002), pp.86--91, 2002 (Maribor)
  203. M. Iwasaki, K. Takei, and N. Matsui
    ``GMDH-Based Modeling and Compensation for Nonlinear Friction in Table Drive Systems''
    Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON-2001), pp.1716--1721, 2001 (Denver)
  204. T. Kumon, T. Suzuki, M. Iwasaki, M. Matsuzaki, N. Matsui, S. Okuma
    ``System Identification using Evolutionary Computation and its Application to Internal Adaptive Model Control''
    Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON-2001), pp.363--368, 2001 (Denver)
  205. K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``Autonomous Motion Controller Design Using Genetic Algorithms''
    Proc. of IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting (IAS-2001), Vol.2, pp.915--920, 2001 (Chicago)
  206. M. Iwasaki, K. Itoh, and N. Matsui
    ``GA-Based Evolutionary Design of Robust Compensator for Mechatronic Systems''
    Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM'01), pp.849--854, 2001 (Como)
  207. T. Kumon, T. Suzuki, M. Iwasaki, M. Matsuzaki, N. Matsui, and S. Okuma
    ``GA Based Modelling and Its Application to Internal Model Control''
    Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC2001), pp.937--942, 2001 (Innsbruck)
  208. K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``GA-Based Practical Compensator Design for Motion Control System''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC-2000), pp.453--458, 2000 (Nagoya)
  209. M. Iwasaki, H. Takei, and N. Matsui
    ``Analysis and Compensation for Dynamic Nonlinear Friction Using Neural Network''
    Proc. of International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-2000), pp.584--589, 2000 (Tokyo)
  210. M. Iwasaki, K. Itoh, and N. Matsui
    ``Genetic Algorithm-Based Autonomous Motion Controller Design in Mechatronics Systems''
    Proc. of IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting (IAS-2000), pp.1257--1262, 2000 (Rome)
  211. M. Iwasaki, H. Hirai, and N. Matsui
    ``Identification of Unstructured Mechatronics System Using Genetic Algorithms''
    Proc. of 1st IFAC-Conference on Mechatronic System (Mechatronics-2000), pp.513--518, 2000 (Darmstadt)
  212. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Evolutionary Identification Algorithm for Unknown Structured Mechatronics System Using GA''
    Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON-2000), pp.2492--2496, 2000 (Nagoya)
  213. T. Kumon, M. Iwasaki, T. Suzuki, T. Hashiyama, N. Matsui, and S. Okuma
    ``Nonlinear System Identification Using Genetic Algorithm''
    Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON-2000), pp.2485--2491, 2000 (Nagoya)
  214. M. Iwasaki, M. Miwa, and N. Matsui
    ``Autonomous Identification of Motion Control System Using Genetic Algorithms''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Soft Computing in Industry (IWSCI'99), pp.377--382, 1999 (Muroran)
  215. T. Kumon, T. Suzuki, M. Iwasaki, T. Hashiyama, N. Matsui, and S. Okuma
    ``System Identification for Structure-Unknown Linear Dynamical System by Evolutionary Computation''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Soft Computing in Industry (IWSCI'99), pp.400--405, 1999 (Muroran)
  216. M. Iwasaki, T. Shibata, and N. Matsui
    ``GMDH-Based Autonomous Modeling and Compensation for Nonlinear Friction''
    Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM'99), pp.860--865, 1999 (Atranta)
  217. M. Iwasaki, T. Shibata, and N. Matsui
    ``Disturbance Observer-Based Nonlinear Friction Compensation in Table Drive System''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC'98), pp.299--304, 1998 (Coimbra)
  218. M. Iwasaki, K. Sakai, and N. Matsui
    ``High-Speed and High-Precision Table Positioning System by Using Mode Switching Control''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON'98), pp.1727--1732, 1998 (Aachen)
  219. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Applications of Soft Computing to DSP-Based Motion Control''
    Proc. of The International Workshop on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (SPAT'98), pp.82--89, 1998 (Nagoya)
  220. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Observer-Based Mechanical Parameter Identifiers''
    Proc. of Asian Control Conference (ASCC'97), pp.I/169--172, 1997 (Seoul)
  221. M. Iwasaki, K. Sakai, and N. Matsui
    ``Fuzzy Inference-Based On-Line Control Gain Tuning for Servo Drive System''
    Proc. of IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS'97), pp.593--598, 1997 (New Orleans)
  222. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Observer-Based Nonlinear Friction Compensation in Servo Drive System''
    Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC'96), pp.344--348, 1996 (Mie)
  223. N. Matsui, T. Takeshita, and M. Iwasaki
    ``DSP-Based High Performance Motor/Motion Control'' (Invited Paper)
    Proc. of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC'96), pp.393--398, 1996 (San Francisco)
  224. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Optimal Command Shaping for Suppression of Resonant Vibration in Robot Arm Motion''
    Proc. of International Power Electronics & Motion Control Conference (PEMC'96), pp.3/332--336, 1996 (Budapest)
  225. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Mechanical Parameter Measurement of 2-Mass Resonant System''
    Proc. of International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC'95), pp.453--457, 1995 (Yokohama)
  226. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``Robust Speed Control of IM with Torque Feedforward Control''
    Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON'91), pp.627--632, 1991 (Kobe)
  227. M. Iwasaki and N. Matsui
    ``DSP--Based High Performance Speed Control System of Vector Control IM with Load Torque Observer''
    Proc. of International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC'90), pp.436--441, 1990 (Tokyo)
  228. A. Gastli, M. Iwasaki, and N. Matsui
    ``An Automated Equivalent Circuit Parameter Measurements of an Induction Motor using a V/f PWM Inverter''
    Proc. of International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC'90), pp.659--666, 1990 (Tokyo)

Important Domestic Conference Proceedings

  1. 岩崎誠
    「エネルギーの有効活用による社会課題解決に向けた技術的寄与」 令和5年電気学会全国大会 本部企画シンポジウム『カーボンニュートラルの時代に『電気』が果たす役割 ~未来につなぐ夢を語ろう』, 第1部, 日本学術会議 制御・パワー工学分科会, 2023
  2. 塩原卓矢,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料,メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-23-092, pp.7-13, 2023
  3. 鈴木雄太,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-22-005, pp.3-6, 2022
  4. 佐藤慎平,小楠飛鳥,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-22-007, pp.37-42, 2022
  5. 塩原 卓矢,前田 佳弘,岩崎 誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-22-009, pp.49-54, 2022
  6. 渡邊湧也,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-22-017, pp.97-100, 2022
  7. 荒巻剛,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-22-026, pp.37-42, 2022
  8. 関健太,岩崎誠
    令和4年電気学会全国大会, シンポジウム, S14-2, pp.S14_5-8, 2022
  9. 林賢志,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-21-021, pp.59-64, 2021
  10. 江口鴻太,大橋保之,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-21-003, pp.13-18, 2021
  11. 石橋諒,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-20-024, pp.19-24, 2020
  12. 黒田英太郎,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-20-036, pp.81-86, 2020
  13. 田中直紀,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-20-037, pp.87-92, 2020
  14. 黒田英太郎,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-19-006, pp.31-36, 2019
  15. 小松昂輝,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-19-008, pp.43-48, 2019
  16. 関戸一成,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-19-016, pp.87-90, 2019
  17. 石黒翔太,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    「既約分解表現に基づく2 自由度制御と動力学モデルに基づく軸間干渉力補償による多関節ロボットの高速・高精度位置決め」
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-18-010, pp.47-52, 2018
  18. 石黒翔太,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-17-012, pp.25-29, 2017
  19. 遠藤嵩大,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-17-013, pp.31-36, 2017
  20. 山内大輝,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-16-24, pp.39-44, 2016
  21. 渡辺康司,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-16-26, pp.51-56, 2016
  22. 水野真宏,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-15-46, pp.103-108, 2015
  23. 早川嘉紀,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-15-19, pp.35-40, 2015
  24. 渡辺康司,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-15-20, pp.41-46, 2015
  25. 桑山貴晶,岩崎誠,平井洋武,田中翼
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-15-27, pp.83-88, 2015
  26. 田中毅,岩崎誠,平井洋武,福島智
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-15-28, pp.89-94, 2015
  27. 森川賢人,岩崎誠,山元純文,沖津良史
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御・メカトロニクス制御合同研究会,IIC-14-63, MEC-14-51, pp.43-48, 2014
  28. 篠原悠作,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御・メカトロニクス制御合同研究会,IIC-14-65, MEC-14-53, pp.55-60, 2014
  29. 神谷有城,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御・メカトロニクス制御合同研究会,IIC-14-68, MEC-14-56, pp.73-78, 2014
  30. 杉浦直人,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-14-150, pp.13-18, 2014
  31. 篠原悠作,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-13-168, pp.55-60, 2013
  32. 松尾康平,前橋亘,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, メカトロニクス制御研究会,MEC-13-170, pp.67-72, 2013
  33. 加藤孝宜,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-97, pp.43-48, 2013
  34. 久保田渉,川福基裕,岩崎誠,所裕高
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-8, pp.41-46, 2013
  35. 前橋亘,松尾康平,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-38, pp.31-36, 2013
  36. 篠原悠作,関健太,岩崎誠,珍田寛,高橋昌樹
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-90, pp.7-12, 2013
  37. 宇佐美貴章,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-30, pp.77-82, 2013
  38. 岡戸陽介,広富雄太,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-99, pp.55-60, 2013
  39. 中道貴仁,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-37, pp.25-30, 2013
  40. 松本恭平,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-98, pp.49-54, 2013
  41. 溝口雅人,川福基裕,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-105, pp.85-90, 2013
  42. 横井宏季,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-18, pp.7-12, 2013
  43. 広富雄太,岡戸陽介,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-89, pp.1-6, 2013
  44. 杉田和洋,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-31, pp.83-88, 2013
  45. 森川賢人,岩崎誠,山元純文,沖津良史
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-17, pp.1-6, 2013
  46. 前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-13-106, pp.91-96, 2013
  47. 前橋亘,松尾康平,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-177,pp.37-42,2012
  48. 溝口雅人,川福基裕,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-172,pp.7-12,2012
  49. 甲木裕一,伊藤和晃,前橋亘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-005, pp.23--28, 2012
  50. 松本恭平,赤塚慧,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-008, pp.41--46, 2012
  51. 赤塚慧,松本恭平,前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-012, pp.65--70, 2012
  52. 前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-014, pp.77--82, 2012
  53. 土本祐也,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-016, pp.89--94, 2012
  54. 篠原悠作,関健太,岩崎誠,珍田寛,高橋昌樹
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-017, pp.95--100, 2012
  55. 加藤孝宜,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-019, pp.107--112, 2012
  56. 和田賢健,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-021, pp.119--124, 2012
  57. 加藤猛氏,岩崎誠,山元純文,沖津良史
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-024, pp.137--142, 2012
  58. 宇佐美貴章,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-094, pp.45--50, 2012
  59. 中村紘之,岩崎 誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-12-145, pp.71--76, 2012
  60. 溝口雅人,川福基裕,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-158, pp.13--18, 2011
  61. 関健太,横井宏季,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-168, pp.71--76, 2011
  62. 加藤雅也,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-68, pp.101-106, 2011
  63. 中村紘之,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-103, pp.49-54, 2011
  64. 加藤猛氏,秋田谷樹,岩崎誠,沖津良史,加藤雄貴,山本純文
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-110, pp.85-90, 2011
  65. 前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-98, pp.19-24, 2011
  66. 池田純,前橋亘,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-106, pp.67-72, 2011
  67. 土本祐也,関健太,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-111, pp.91-96, 2011
  68. 祐成享靖,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-109, pp.79-84, 2011
  69. 篠原悠作,関健太,岩崎誠,珍田寛,高橋昌樹
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-118, pp.131-136, 2011
  70. 和田賢健,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会,IIC-11-115, pp.115-120, 2011
  71. 前橋亘, 伊藤和晃, 岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-162, pp.13--18, 2010
  72. 関健太, 松浦紘明, 岩崎誠, 平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-166, pp.37--42, 2010
  73. 川福基裕, 岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-170, pp.61--66, 2010
  74. 前田佳弘,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-36, pp.31--36, 2010
  75. 山元純文,池田純,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠,松井信行
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-91, pp.19--24, 2010
  76. 酒井健史,関健太,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-71, pp.1--6, 2010
  77. 溝口禎夫,岩崎誠
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-33, pp.13--18, 2010
  78. 飼沼諒,山元純文,岩崎誠,沖津良史,加藤雄貴
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-34, pp.19--24, 2010
  79. 加藤猛氏,飼沼諒,山元純文,岩崎誠,川福基裕,沖津良史,加藤雄貴
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-35, pp.25--30, 2010
  80. 加藤孝宜,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-107, pp.19--24, 2010
  81. 和田賢健,前田佳弘,佐藤秀紀,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-90, pp.13--18, 2010
  82. 祐成享靖,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-92, pp.25--30, 2010
  83. 神波弘樹,関健太,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-109, pp.31--36, 2010
  84. 松浦紘明,関健太,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-108, pp.25--30, 2010
  85. 田中慎一郎,川福基裕,岩崎誠,藤井丈仁
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-99, pp.13--18, 2010
  86. 竹崎朗,川福基裕,岩崎誠,藤井丈仁
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-10-98, pp.7--12, 2010
  87. 柴田真樹,川福基裕,岩崎 誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-160, pp.13--18, 2009
  88. 廣瀬徳晃, 川福基裕, 岩崎誠, 平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-37, pp.91--98, 2009
  89. 佐藤秀紀,廣瀬徳晃,川福基裕,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-41, pp.117--122, 2009
  90. 伊藤和晃,三橋進,山元純文,岩崎誠,松井信行
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-93, pp.17--22, 2009
  91. 三橋進,山元純文,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠,松井信行
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-94, pp.23--28, 2009
  92. 山元純文,三橋進,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠,松井信行
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-95, pp.29--34, 2009
  93. 小野雄平,山元純文,伊藤和晃,岩崎誠,松井信行
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-36, pp.85--90, 2009
  94. 飼沼諒,山元純文,岩崎誠,川福基裕,平井洋武,沖津良史,加藤雄貴,佐々木浩三,矢島敏男
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-42, pp.123--128, 2009
  95. 鳥居将太郎,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,川福基裕,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-108, pp.107--112, 2009
  96. 前田佳弘,鳥居将太郎,岩崎誠,川福基裕,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-107, pp.101--106, 2009
  97. 望月慶祐,関健太,川福基裕,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-102, pp.71--76, 2009
  98. 関健太,川福基裕,岩崎誠,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-106, pp.95--100, 2009
  99. 溝口禎夫,原田拓弥,岩崎誠,松井信行
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-103, pp.77--82, 2009
  100. 酒井健史,川瀬大介,前田佳弘,岩崎誠,川福基裕,平井洋武
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-09-104, pp.83--88, 2009
  101. 高森, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-163, pp.13--18, 2008
  102. 佐藤, 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-169, pp.49--53, 2008
  103. 三橋, 山元, 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-36, pp.1--6, 2008
  104. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    「Jerk 最小化を考慮した有限時間整定フィードフォワード補償」
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-41, pp.29--35, 2008
  105. 寺地, 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    「制御入力最適化と位置決め精度を考慮したLMI に基づく付加入力型初期値補償」
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-43, pp.43--49, 2008
  106. 山元, 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-45, pp.57--63, 2008
  107. 関, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-53, pp.1--6, 2008
  108. 水野, 山元, 岩崎, 川福, 平井, 沖津, 佐々木, 矢島
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-55, pp.13--18, 2008
  109. 伊藤, 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-105, pp.25--29, 2008
  110. 滝川, 山元, 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-109, pp.49--55, 2008
  111. 川瀬, 岩崎, 川福, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-131, pp.89--94, 2008
  112. 原田, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-08-132, pp.95--99, 2008
  113. 太田, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-129, pp.77--82, 2007
  114. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-42, pp.37--43, 2007
  115. 嚴, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-43, pp.45--49, 2007
  116. 大平, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-48, pp.75--80, 2007
  117. 滝川, 山元, 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-49, pp.81--86, 2007
  118. 山元, 滝川, 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-85, pp.1--6, 2007
  119. 樋川, 関, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 保田
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-88, pp.19--24, 2007
  120. 川瀬, 樋口, 伊藤, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-89, pp.25--30, 2007
  121. 北内, 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-93, pp.49--54, 2007
  122. 寺地, 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-94, pp.55--60, 2007
  123. 川福, 嚴, 岩崎, 平井
    計測自動制御学会 SI部門, pp.69--70, 2006
  124. 山元, 伊藤, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-06-141, pp.51--55, 2006
  125. 岩崎
    電気学会産業応用部門全国大会シンポジウム, No.S6-4, pp.II-121--II-126, 2006
  126. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    計測自動制御学会 第6回制御部門大会, pp.127--132, 2006
  127. 伊藤, 前田, 樋口, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-06-14, pp.77--82, 2006
  128. 廣瀬, 永井, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-06-15, pp.83--89, 2006
  129. 樋口, 前田, 伊藤, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-06-42, pp.139--144, 2006
  130. 山元, 伊藤, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-06-43, pp.145--150, 2006
  131. 前田, 樋口, 伊藤, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-06-88, pp.145--151, 2006
  132. 石田, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 小林, 奥山
    「周波数領域逆伝達特性補償法を用いたHDDの同期外乱抑圧 -ベンチマークモデルにおける検証-」
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-05-113, pp.47--52, 2005
  133. 伊藤, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 堂薗, 黒崎
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-05-8, pp.43--48, 2005
  134. 長松, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-05-54, pp.85--90, 2005
  135. 前田, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-05-55, pp.91--96, 2005
  136. 岩城, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-05-57, pp.101--106, 2005
  137. 天野, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-05-60, pp.13--18, 2005
  138. 石田, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-05-66, pp.47--52, 2005
  139. 川福, 田辺, 岩崎, 平井, 奥山
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-04-68, pp.7--12, 2004
  140. 宮路, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-04-35, pp.65--70, 2004
  141. 廣瀬, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-04-36, pp.71--76, 2004
  142. 清水, 川福, 岩崎, 平井, 金子, 吉田
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-04-37, pp.77--82, 2004
  143. 永井, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-04-38, pp.83--88, 2004
  144. 五十嵐, 川福, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-03-48, pp.19--24, 2003
  145. 伊藤, 永田, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-03-25, pp.57--62, 2003
  146. 岩崎, 松井
    豊田研究報告, No.55, pp.9--15, 2002
  147. 岩崎, 松井
    モーションエンジニアリングシンポジウム, 日本能率協会Techno-Frontier Week 2002, pp.G2-1-1--10, 2002
  148. 関, 岩崎, 平井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-02-30, pp.89--94, 2002
  149. 伊藤,岩崎,松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-01-17, pp.97--102, 2001
  150. 妻木,岩崎,平井,松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-01-18, pp.103--108, 2001
  151. 竹居,岩崎,松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-01-23, pp.133--138, 2001
  152. 酒井,岩崎,松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-99-11, pp.69--74, 1999
  153. 柴田,岩崎,松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-99-12, pp.75--80, 1999
  154. 西園,伊藤,岩崎,松井
    精密工学会知能メカトロニクスワークショップ, FA11, pp.156--161, 1999
  155. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会産業応用部門全国大会シンポジウム, No.S7-1, pp.S81--S84, 1998
  156. 松井, 岩崎
    電気学会全国大会シンポジウム, No.S15-2-4, pp.S15.17--S15.20, 1997
  157. 酒井, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-97-50, pp.55--60, 1997
  158. 鬼頭, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 半導体電力変換研究会, SPC-96-41, pp.111--120, 1996
  159. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業計測制御研究会, IIC-96-17, pp.75--84, 1996
  160. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会産業応用部門全国大会シンポジウム, No.S3-6, pp.S75--S80, 1995
  161. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 産業電力電気応用研究会, IEA-94-13, pp.9--17, 1994
  162. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会産業応用部門全国大会シンポジウム, No.S12-8, pp.S331--S334, 1994
  163. 杉浦, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 半導体電力変換研究会, SPC-91-8, pp.69--78, 1991
  164. 杉浦, 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 半導体電力変換研究会, SPC-91-8, pp.69--78, 1991
  165. 岩崎, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 半導体電力変換研究会, SPC-88-27, pp.121--130, 1988
  166. 岩崎, 竹下, 松井
    電気学会研究会資料, 半導体電力変換研究会, SPC-86-20, pp.11--20, 1986

Invited Keynote Speeches

  1. Symposium of IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica / International Symposium on Advanced Control and Intelligent Automation for Complex Systems (Outstanding Scholar Lecture)
    Practical Motion Controller Design for Mechatronic Systems Considering Global Environmental Issues
    (2024/07/10, Wuhan, China)
  2. JICA ウクライナ支援遠隔研修(講演)
    JICA Distance training curriculum for Ukraine assistance (Invited Lecture)
    Mechatronic Control Systems Based on Collaborative R/D with Industry
    (2024/06/30, Nagoya-online, Japan)
  3. ICRAS'24 (Keynote Speech)(講演)
    The 8th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS2024)
    GA-Based Practical System Identification and Auto-Tuning for Multi-Axis Industrial Robots (2024/06/21-23, Tokyo)
  4. ICMIMT'24 (Keynote Speech)
    The IEEE 15th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT 2022)
    GA-Based Optimization in Mechatronic Systems: System Identification and Controller Design
    (2024/05/17-19, Cape Town-online, South Africa)
  5. ICCRE'24 (Keynote Speech)
    The 9th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE2024)
    GA-Based Optimization in Mechatronic Systems: System Identification and Controller Design
    (2024/05/10-12, Osaka)
  6. ICCAR'24 (Keynote Speech)
    The 10th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics
    High Trajectory Tracking Performance of Industrial Robots by Iterative Learning Control (ICCAR2024)
    (2024/04/27-29, Singapore)
  7. ICIT'24 (Keynote Speech)
    The 25th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2024)
    Rolling Friction Model-Based Initial Value Compensation in Fast and Precision Positioning for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2024/03/25-27, Bristol, UK)
  8. East China University of Science and Technology(invited lecture by Prof. Huaicheng Yan)
    Practical Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices: Controller Implementation to Laser Processing Machines with World-Top Market Share
    (2024/03/20, Shanghai-online, China)
  9. Qingdao University(invited lecture by Prof. Jinpeng Yu)
    Practical Applications of Precision Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2024/02/23, Qingdao, China)
  10. North China Electric Power University(invited lecture by Prof. Fang Fang)
    Practical Applications of Precision Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2024/02/19, Beijing, China)
  11. Beihang University(invited lecture by Prof. Hui Zhang)
    Practical Applications of Precision Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2024/02/18, Beijing, China)
  12. CIIS'23 (Keynote Speech)
    The 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS 2023)
    GA-Based Practical System Identification and Auto-Tuning for Multi-Axis Industrial Robots
    (2023/11/25-27, Tokyo, Japan)
  13. China University of Geosciences (Regular lectures for graduate course students) 
    Practical Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems: from Basis beyond Industrial Applications
    (2023/11/03-11/27, onsite and Web)
  14. 電気学会産業応用部門 産業応用フォーラム リレー講義:外乱オブザーバ大全 (招待)
    「外乱オブザーバの展開 振動抑制への展開」
    (2023/08/25, 名古屋)
  15. ICACR'23 (Keynote Speech)
    The 7th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots
    High Trajectory Tracking Performance of Industrial Robots by Iterative Learning Control
    (2023/08/4-6, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  16. CCC'23 (Keynote Speech)
    The 42nd Chinese Control Conference
    Practical Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices: Controller Implementation to Laser Processing Machines with World-Top Market Share
    (2023/07/24-26, Tianjin, China)
  17. ITET'23 (Keynote Speech)
    2023 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Education Technology
    GA-Based Optimization in Mechatronic Systems: System Identification and Controller Design
    (2023/05/12-14, Okayama-online, Japan)
  18. RobCE'23 (Keynote Speech)
    2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Control Engineering
    GA-Based Optimization in Mechatronic Systems: System Identification and Controller Design
    (2023/05/12-14, Nanjing-online, China)
  19. Southeast University (Regular lectures for graduate course students)
    Practical Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems: from Basis beyond Industrial Applications
    (2023/03/27-05/12, Nanjin and Web)
  20. China University of Geosciences (Regular lectures for graduate course students)
    Practical Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems: from Basis beyond Industrial Applications
    (2022/09/15-12/12, Web)
  21. ICMEAS'22 (Keynote Speech)
    2022 8th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science
    GA-Based Optimization in Mechatronic Systems: System Identification and Controller Design
    (2022/10/14-16, Wuhan-online, China)
  22. IECMA'22 (Keynote Speech)
    The 1st International Electronic Conference on Machines and Applications
    GA-Based Practical System Identification and Auto-Tuning for Multi-Axis Industrial Robots
    (2022/09/15-30, Basel-online, Switzerland)
  23. ICCCV'22 (Keynote Speech)
    The 5th International Conference on Control and Computer Vision
    GA-Based Optimization in Mechatronic Systems: System Identification and Controller Design
    (2022/08/19-21, Xiamen-online, China)
  24. CCDC'22 (Keynote Speech)
    The 34th Chinese Control and Decision Conference
    Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing: Basics, Applications, and Beyond
    (2022/08/21-23, Hefei-online, China)
  25. Xi'an Jiaotong University, EMRL seminar (Invited Speech)
    Basics and Applications of Precision Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2022/07/21, Xi'an-online, China)
  26. ACIRS'22 (Keynote Speech)
    The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2022)
    High Trajectory Tracking Performance of Industrial Robots by Iterative Learning Control
    (2022/07/01-03, Tianjin-onine, Nankai Univ)
  27. ICMIMT'22 (Keynote Speech)
    The IEEE 13th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT 2022)
    High Trajectory Tracking of Multi-Axis Robot by Iterative Learning Control
    (2022/05/25-27, Cape Town-online, South Africa)
  28. Beijing Institute of Technology, Teli seminar (Invited Speech)
    Basics and Applications of Precision Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2022/05/13, Beijing-online, China)
  29. Beihang University, distinguished seminar (Invited Speech)
    Basics and Applications of Precision Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2022/04/20, Beijing-online, China)
  30. ICCRE'22 (Keynote Speech)
    The 7th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering
    High Trajectory Tracking Performance of Industrial Robots by Iterative Learning Control
    (2022/04/15-17, Beijing-online, China)
  31. Shangdong University NLJEC-REEC distinguished talk series (Invited Speech)
    Precise Motion Control and Industrial Applications to Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2022/03/29, Shandon-online, China)
  32. AMC'22 (Plenary Speech)
    IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control
    Practical Motion Control Approaches for Industrial Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2022/02/18-20, Padova-online, Italy)
  33. M2VIP'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The IEEE 27th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice
    High Trajectory Tracking Performance of Industrial Robots by Iterative Learning Control
    (2021/11/26-28, Shanghai, China)
  34. WAIE'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education
    GA-Based Practical System Identification and Auto-Tuning for Multi-Axis Industrial Robots
    (2021/11/19-21, Xi'an, China)
  35. Nankai University(Invited Lecture)
    Basics and Applications of Motion Control: Fast and Precise Positioning for Industrial Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2021/10/19, Web)
  36. Nanjing Institute of Technology(Invited Lecture)
    Basics and Applications of Motion Control: Rolling Friction Modeling and Compensation in Fast and Precision Positioning
    (2021/10/15, Web)
  37. Harbin Institute of Technology (Invited Lecture)
    Basics and Applications of Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2021/10/06, Web)
    Rolling Friction Modeling and Compensation in Fast and Precision Positioning for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2021/10/18, Web)
  38. China University of Geosciences (Regular lectures for graduate course students)
    Practical Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems: from Basis beyond Industrial Applications
    (2021/09/23-12/09, Web)
  39. Southeast University, International Expert Report
    Basics and Applications of Motion Control to Industrial Mechatronic Systems
    (2021/09/22, Web)
  40. ACIRS'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems
    Feedback Vibration Suppression in Industrial Robots with Strain Wave Gearing in Joints
    (2021/07/16-18, Tokyo-online)
  41. Kunming University of Science and Technology, Foreign Expert Project
    Practical Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems: from Basis beyond Industrial Applications
    (2021/06/28-07/16, Web)
  42. ICICA'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications
    Fast and Precision Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices: High Trajectory Tracking Performance by Iterative Learning Control
    (2021/06/25-27, Melbourne-online)
  43. RobCE'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The 1st International Conference on Robotics and Control Engineering
    Fast and Precision Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices: High Trajectory Tracking Performance by Iterative Learning Control
    (2021/04/22-25, Tokyo-online)
  44. ICCRE'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The 6th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering
    Rolling Friction Modeling and Compensation in Fast and Precision Positioning for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2021/04/16-18, Beijing-online)
  45. AIACT'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Control Technologies
    Practical Modeling and Compensation of Angular Transmission Errors in Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2021/03/26-28, Shanghai-online)
  46. ICMAA'21 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Friction Modeling and Compensation in Fast and Precision Positioning for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2021/2/27, Singapore-online)
  47. IEEE/IES Webinar
    Fast and Precise Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2021/02/19, Webniar)
  48. 日本機械学会中国四国支部 技術フォーラム2020(講演)(パネルディスカッション)
    ものづくり産業のためのロボット技術 ~これから先,何が可能で何が必要か~
    産学連携による産業用ロボットの高速・高精度制御系の研究開発 〜減速機の特性を考慮したモデルベース2自由度制御
    (2020/12/9, 広島オンライン)
  49. ICMME'20 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Fast and Precision Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices: LMI-Based Command Shaping with Robust Performance
    (2020/11/7, Moscow-online, Russia)
  50. IECON'20 (Tutorial)
    T08: Recent Advances in Disturbance/Uncertainty Estimation and Attenuation (DUEA) Methods: Theory and Applications
    Application of Disturbance Observer to Model and Compensation for Nonlinear Friction in Industrial Machines
    (2020/10/18-21, Singapore-Online: 10/18 1400-1715)
  51. ITCA'20 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Modeling and Identification of Strain Wave Gearing for Motion Control Applications to Precision Positioning Devices
    (2020/09/25-29, Enshi-Online, China)
  52. AIAAT'20 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Feedback Vibration Suppression Using Variable Notch Filter for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2020/08/08, Shenzhen-Online, China)
  53. ICCMS'20 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Fast and Precise Motion Control for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing in Industrial Application
    (2020/06/24, Brisbane-Online, Australia)
  54. ICCRE'20 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Fast and Precision Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices Based on FF/FB Coordinate Design
    (2020/04/25, Osaka-Online, Japan)
  55. ICMM'20(Invited Keynote Speech)
    Robust Vibration Suppression Control for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2020/01/11, Tokyo, Chuo Univ)
  56. ICMT'19 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Friction Modeling and Compensation in Fast and Precision Positioning for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2019/10/25, Salerno, Italy)
  57. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Fast and Precise Motion Control for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing in Industrial Application
    (2019/09/27, Nanjing, China)
  58. International Workshop on Motion Control and Power Electronic Systems at Southeast University (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Robust Fast and Precision Motion Controller Design: Application to Mechatronic Systems
    (2019/09/26, Nanjing, China)
  59. Workshop on Modeling and Intelligent Control for Mechatronic Systems at Kunming University of Science & Technology (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Fast and Precision Motion Controller Design: Application to Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2019/09/21, Kunming, China)
  60. Southeast University (Regular lectures for graduate course students)
    Practical Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems: from Basis beyond Industrial Applications
    (2019/09/16-25, Nanjing, China)
  61. AIAAT'19 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Robust Vibration Suppression Control for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2019/08/02, Beijing, China)
  62. ICCRE'19 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Fast and Precision Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2019/04/21, Nanjing, China)
  63. Southeast University (Invited Lecture)
    Fast and Precision Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2019/04/21, Nanjing, China)
  64. 精密工学会技術賞受賞者講演会「新技術講演会」 (招待講演)
  65. China University of Geosciences (Invited Lecture)
    Fast and Precision Motion Controller Design: Application to Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2018/10/18, Wuhan, China)
  66. Mecatronics'18 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    12th France-Japan Congress, 10th Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics 2018
    Robust Full-Closed Control-Based Vibration Suppression for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2018/09/10-12, Mie, Japan)
  67. 芝浦工業大学 (招待講演)
  68. ICIPCE'18 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    2018 2nd International Conference on Information Processing and Control Engineering
    Fast and Precision Motion Control for Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2018/07/27-29, Shanghai, China)
  69. ISIE'18 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    The 27th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
    Fast and Precision Motion Controller Design: Application to Industrial Positioning Devices
    (2018/06/13-15, Cairns, Australia)
  70. ICCRE'18 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    2018 3rd International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE 2018)
    Full-Closed Control-Based Vibration Suppression for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2018/04/20-23, Nagoya, Japan)
  71. Workshop on Motion Control at Southeast University (Invited Keynote Speech)
    Robust Full-Closed Control-Based Vibration Suppression for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing
    (2018/04/13, Nanjing, China)
  72. ICMT'17 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    21st International Conference on Mechatronics Technology
    Robust Full-Closed Control-Based Vibration Suppression for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearings
    (2017/10/20-23, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
  73. ICPT'14 (Invited Keynote Speech)
    2014 6th International Conference on Positioning Technology
    Modeling and Compensation for Angular Transmission Errors for Precision Positioning Devices with Harmonic Drive Gearings
    (2014/11/20, Kitakyushu, Japan)


  1. 2024年度電気学会産業応用部門 特別賞学術賞
    IEEJ Industry Applications Society Technical Achievement Award
    ``Distinguished Contributions to Technical Achievement in Industry Applications Society''
  2. 2024年度電気学会産業応用部門 部門活動功労賞
    2024 IEEJ Industry Applications Society Service Award
    ``Distinguished Service at 2023 IEEJ/IAS Conference''
  3. 2023年度電気学会産業応用部門 部門活動功労賞
    2023 IEEJ Industry Applications Society Service Award
    ``Distinguished Service at 2023 SAMCON Conference as an international liaison officer''
  4. 2022年電気学会産業応用部門論文賞
    ``Autonomous Parameter Design for Cascade-Structure Feedback Controller Based on Cooperative Optimization Method''
    2022 Best paper award of IEEE Japan Transactions on Industry Applications
    ``Autonomous Parameter Design for Cascade-Structure Feedback Controller Based on Cooperative Optimization Method''
  5. 2022 IEEE/IES Senior AdCom Member Honor (June, 2022)
  6. 岩崎誠:電気学会フェロー
    IEE Japan Fellow
    ``Research and Development of Motion Control Techniques''
  7. 日本学術会議 連携会員 (2020 - 2026)
    Science Council of Japan (SCJ) , a member (2020 - 2026)
  8. 平成31年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞 開発部門
    2019 The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
    Prizes for Science and Technology, Development Category
    ``Developments of Fast and Precision Control Techniques for Positioning Devices in Industrial Machines''
  9. 平成30年精密工学会 第38回精密工学会技術賞
    2018 The 38th JSPE Technology Award, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
    ``Research and Development of Fast and Precision Controller Design for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing''
  10. 平成30年度公益財団法人市村清新技術財団 第50回市村産業賞功績賞
    2018 The 50th Ichimura Prize in Industry for Excellent Achievement, Ichimura Foundation for New Technology
    ``Development of Compact Modular-Type Mounting Electronic Assembly Machines by Precision Servo Techniques''
  11. 平成29年度公益財団法人永守財団 第3回永守賞
    2017 The 3rd Nagamori Awards, Nagamori Foundation
    ``Research and Development on Fast and Precision Positioning Techniques for Advanced Mechatronic Systems''
  12. 平成29年電気学会第73回電気学術振興賞 進歩賞
    2017 IEEJ Technical Development Award, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
    ``Research and Development on Fast and Precision Positioning Controller Design for Galvanometer Scanners in PCB Laser Processing Machines''
  13. 平成28年電気学会産業応用部門部門活動功労賞
  14. 平成26年度永井科学技術財団学術賞
    2015 The NAGAI Foundation for Science & Technology, Science Prize
    ``Modeling and Compensation for Nonlinear Friction in Fast and Precision Positioning Devices ''
  15. IEEE Fellow (Jan 1st, 2015)
    ``for contributions to fast and precise positioning in motion controller design''
  16. 平成26年電気学会第17回優秀技術活動賞(技術報告賞)
  17. 平成25年電気学会 第69回電気学術振興賞 論文賞
    2013 Best Paper Award of Transactions of IEE Japan, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
    ``Adaptive Feedforward Compensation by Specified Step Settling Considering Resonance Frequency Variation and Constraint on Control Input Amplitude''
  18. 財団法人電気科学技術奨励会 第59回電気科学技術奨励賞(平成23年)(オーム技術賞)
    2011 Electrical Science and Engineering Promotion Award, The Promotion Foundation for Electrical Science and Engineering
    ``Research and Development on Robust 2 Degrees of Freedom Positioning Controller Design for Industrial Machines''
  19. 平成22年ファナックFAロボット財団論文賞
    2011 Best paper award of the FANUC FA and Robot Foundation
    ``Analytical Examinations and Compensation Based on Rolling Friction Model for Slow Settling Response in Precise Positioning''
  20. 平成22年電気学会産業応用部門 部門論文賞
    2010 Best paper award of IEEE Japan Transactions on Industry Applications
    ``Analytical Examinations and Compensation Based on Rolling Friction Model for Slow Settling Response in Precise Positioning''
  21. 平成15年度計測自動制御学会中部支部研究賞
  22. IECON'01 Best Presentation Award
    ``GMDH-Based Modeling and Compensation for Nonlinear Friction in Table Drive Systems''
  23. 1999 ACC Best Presentation Award
    ``Soft Computing-Based Algorithms for Autonomous Controller Design of Mechatronics Systems''
  24. 第10回安藤博記念学術奨励賞(平成9年度)
    1997 The 10th Ando Incentive Prize for the Study of Electronics, The Foundation of ANDO Laboratory
    ``Research on Adaptive Observer-based Nonlinear Friction Compensation in Mechatronic Systems''
  25. 平成9年度電気学会論文発表賞
  26. 平成4年度電気関係学会東海支部連合大会奨励賞

Financial Grants
Japanese government-sponsored

  1. 2023--2026年度, 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A), 岩崎誠・伊藤和晃・前田佳弘
  2. 2019--2022年度, 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B), 岩崎誠・前田佳弘
  3. 平成28--30年度, 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C), 岩崎誠・関健太
  4. 平成23--25年度, 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C), 岩崎誠
  5. 平成16--17年度, 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A), 平井洋武・神藤久・岩崎誠・不破勝彦・川福基裕
  6. 平成14--15年度, 科学研究費補助金 萌芽研究, 平井洋武・岩崎誠・川福基裕
  7. 平成11--12年度,科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A),岩崎誠
  8. 平成9--10年度, 科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A), 岩崎誠
  9. 平成8年度, 科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A), 岩崎誠
  10. 平成6年度, 科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A), 岩崎誠
  11. 平成5年度, 科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A), 岩崎誠


  1. 財団法人マザック財団研究開発助成(2019年度)
  2. 公益財団法人NSKメカトロニクス技術高度化財団集会助成(平成26年度)
    「IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics」
  3. 公益財団法人立石科学技術振興財団国際会議開催助成(平成26年度)
    「IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM2015)」
  4. 公益財団法人大幸財団学会等開催助成(平成26年度)
  5. 公益財団法人村田学術振興財団第30回研究会助成(平成25年度)
    「IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics」
  6. 財団法人新生資源協会研究助成(平成22年度)
  7. 財団法人新生資源協会研究助成(平成21年度)
  8. 財団法人マザック財団研究開発援助・助成(平成20年度)
  9. 財団法人マザック財団研究開発援助・助成(平成16年度)
  10. 財団法人三豊科学技術振興協会研究助成(平成16年度)
  11. 財団法人実吉奨学会研究助成(平成16年度)
  12. 財団法人豊田理化学研究所 研究嘱託(平成13, 14年度)
  13. 財団法人堀情報科学振興財団研究助成(一般)(平成13年度)
  14. 財団法人矢崎科学技術振興記念財団国際交流援助(平成10年度)
    「第24回米国電気電子学会産業電子部門年次大会(於 Aachen, Germany)への出席」
  15. 財団法人東海学術奨励会研究助成(平成10年度)
  16. 財団法人立松財団第6回特別研究助成(平成10年度)
  17. 第14回財団法人日東学術振興財団海外派遣助成(平成9年度)
    「第5回高度運動制御に関する国際会議(於 Coimbra, Portugal)への出席」
  18. 電気学会創立100周年記念国際会議出席助成(平成8年度)
    「第13回IFAC国際会議(於 San Francisco, USA)への出席」
  19. 財団法人立松財団第4回一般研究助成(平成8年度)
  20. 財団法人中部電力基礎技術研究所出版助成(平成8年度)
  21. 財団法人中部電力基礎技術研究所研究助成(A2研究)(平成8年度)
  22. 財団法人立松財団第3回海外調査研究助成(平成7年度)
    「第7回国際パワーエレクトロニクス・モーションコントロール会議(於 Budapest, Hungary)での発表」
  23. 第5回財団法人堀情報科学振興財団研究助成(一般)(平成7年度)

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